
Scrum is prevailing in project management. For the fast delivery Scrum enables the team to do, more and more teams ...
Transparency and openness are both important to Scrum team. Being open about our work helps create transparency to our p...
"Story points rate the relative effort of work in a Fibonacci-like format: 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100.”...
image from Bug tracking is essential to product management. Some ZenTao users asked questions like whether...
12758   2019-07-01

FAQ: Does ZenTao have Wiki?

image source Wikis are flexible web pages that can be edited by multiple...
Test management are to ensure that stories of a product are properly developed and bugs are fixed, so the deliverable ar...
3895   2019-06-28

Batch Actions in ZenTao

Batch actions can expedite your information processing and save your time entering it to your management system. Some sy...
4569   2019-06-12

ZenTao vs. Jira 7: Permission

Although Scrum emphasizes transparency and close collaboration of the team work, permissions should always be properly a...
Agile is trendy in project management since the day it came to the world (refer to Agile keeps rock the PM world). With ... released the 2019 State of Software Engineer Report and the followings are worth paying attention to. Job...