8 Common Causes of Software Project Delays And How to Tackle Them Head on
Kate Priestman
2022-07-14 13:48:08
Common Causes of Software Project Delays And How to Tackle Them
Software development is big business. We are reliant on software supported technology in so many aspects of modern life. This demand continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, as does the number of people needed to make it. Studies have shown that the number of software developers is likely to exceed 27.7 million by 2023.
A fiercely competitive industry, worldwide software quality conferences showcase new products and trends. Developers are always working to innovate, surprise, and excite. Complex projects are required to create new software.
But these don’t always go to plan. Designing and delivering a software project is a challenging process, and can be ruined by delays. Let's look at some of the most common reasons a project can get held up, and what you can do to combat these.
Lack of Planning
Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Although there is some debate about who coined this phrase, the principle is in no doubt. The project management life cycle starts with careful planning. Without this, you will struggle to achieve your aims and success.
Software projects are no different from any others when it comes to the planning process. The project manager should be clear about what the goals are, and how these will be achieved. What steps are needed to get there, and how long are these expected to take? You will need to gather all the relevant facts in this planning phase.
There are likely to be some delays throughout the process. This doesn't have to be an issue, but you will need to identify what the potential complications might be. As long as you know what the hurdles you could face, you will have a much better chance of overcoming them.
Not Defining Your Aims
It is impossible to plan a successful software project without clear aims. Projects are driven by results. If you don’t know what you are trying to achieve, how will you know if your project is successful? It is crucial to what the outcomes should be, and the markers of success.
You need to provide answers to questions. What does the software need to do? Who are its users? Will it be a sales app? If you are unsure, consult with the client until you have a clear and unambiguous answer. Although this may seem time consuming now, it will save time later on.
Nailing down project aims from the outset means you have defined parameters to work within. If you leave something to chance, you could end up having to devote a lot of time and resources to resolve an issue. Changing a project brief is a lot simpler than changing the software!
Unrealistic Deadlines
It's natural to want to please your client and maintain a great working relationship. You are delivering the work for them and want to do a great job. Beware of boundaries though. Clients can make unrealistic deadline requests, and to impress, you may accept.
Although agreeing to quick turnarounds may look good at the time, it can be problematic later on. Overpromising can put an unnecessary burden on your team. It can also result in neglecting other parts of the project, and have a hazardous domino effect.
Consider what is workable before agreeing to timeframes. Discuss with your team how long they expect tasks to take, and create your estimates based on this.
Allow for time to deal with unexpected situations that may arise. You will need to test the software throughout the process. A dedicated app for test execution can make this process easier.
Problems With Third Parties
The project requirements may mean you need to collaborate with third party providers. This is common in software development and often needed to meet your deliverables. Mind how you manage this process to avoid complications.
You will need to create a contract with the third party, setting out expectations and time frames. Without this, they have no obligation to deliver to your required deadlines.
Get to know the tech. If you are integrating with a third party app or software, you should know how to use it before the project starts. If this isn’t possible, factor it into your schedule. Do research into their product, and check it is fit for purpose.
Does their company seem like a good fit with yours? Do some research into them. Also think about how you present your business. This could even be something like your website address. IO domains are popular within the tech community, so you could consider switching to a OnlyDomains .io domain.
If you use a third party provider, make sure they have what you need, and are able to deliver it when you need it. Failure on either of these aspects will be at a huge detriment to the project.
Not Using Project Management Tools
In any industry, having the right tools for the job is crucial. A project has many moving and often conflicting parts, which can be hard to handle. To oversee one, you should be using some form of project management software.
A good project management tool allows you to collate and organize relevant information. They help with factors such as estimating, scheduling, budgeting, and resource management. There are lots of popular project management software tools available on the market, find one that is a good fit for you.
A feature that a lot of users find helpful is a visual timeline. This lays out the project deadlines, milestones, and deliverables in a graphic chart. Having the project in this format can make it easier to digest and manage. Project management software is also good for managing your team. You can track individuals' progress with their assigned tasks, and manage workloads.
Poor Resources Allocation
Planning your resources and assigning these is a key part of project management. Failure to do this can result in critical project failure. So what kind of resources are integral to software projects?
Your team is crucial to delivering a successful software project. Can your regular staff do it, or will you need extra support from contractors and freelancers?
Time is always a huge factor in project management. Look at how long individual tasks will take. What is the relationship between completing one and starting another? Be sure to allow for this, along with other contingencies.
What equipment is required? Will you need any specialist kit, and should you hire this, or is it worth purchasing? You will need to assess your work, and may need different types of software testing tools.
All this, along with other miscellaneous resources, will need to be costed. Make sure everything is within the project budget.
Lack Of Team Organization
As noted in the previous section, choosing your team members to work on a project is very important. But it's not only how individuals perform that matters, it’s how they work together that can make or break a project.
A successful project manager will outline each individual’s roles and responsibilities. They will also explain how these sit within the team framework. Project scopes and timelines can change, so communicate this if required.
If the team isn't updating on their progress, this can have a negative impact. Consequences could be something like duplication of work, or missing key deliverables. Arrange team meetings at a suitable frequency to keep everyone in the loop.
The world of software development is dynamic and competitive. It’s not unusual for a developer to leave part-way through a project to take on another opportunity. Prepare yourself that this may happen, and how you will deal with this.
Ineffective Client Communication
A major challenge of software development can be the client. You are developing their product, so they will want to help shape the development, surely? Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Some clients are much more hands-off throughout the project process. A typical situation then arises where the developers want to consult the client. They can't, so proceed to work anyway. The client finally does check in, and isn't happy with the chosen direction. The developers then have to re-do work to the clients new instruction.
This is a huge waste of time and resources, but you can take steps to avoid it. Encourage client involvement at all stages. Establish how best to contact them, are they email or phone people? You could even try a virtual fax machine! Make sure you understand the clients’ vision, and let them know their input will be required.
The Best Laid Plans
A software development project is not to be undertaken lightly. You must be able to deliver a quality product, on time and on budget. Expectation levels are high, and time is short. That’s why a delay can be crippling, and should be avoided at all costs.
By identifying the causes of project bottlenecks, you are in a much better place to prevent them. Projects can change during their lifecycle, but you must be proactive and ready to deal with this. Plan your project well, and don’t get caught out by an avoidable delay.
Need more help? Check out the Zentao blog. They have more articles on project management tools, software management, building cross-functional teams, and so much more.
Author bio :
Kate Priestman - Head Of Marketing, Global App Testing
Kate Priestman is the Head of Marketing at Global App Testing, a trusted and leading end-to-end functional testing solution and software diversity for QA challenges. Kate has over 8 years of experience in the field of marketing, helping brands achieve exceptional growth. She has extensive knowledge on brand development, lead and demand generation, and marketing strategy — driving business impact at its best. Kate Priestman also published articles for domains such as VMblog and Stackify.
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