For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! Sticky

For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! 51 Testing has published "2022 Software Testing Industry Status Survey Report" in March 2023. Wi...
  2023/04/03   Kelsea   9681

5 Reasons to Move from Jira to ZenTao Sticky

Before we dig down on to consider migration from Jira to ZenTao, let’s start with the basics, for business positions, who might be new to this. We’ll briefly introduce you to Jira, it’s the most popular alternative — ZenTao, and then touch base on the most common reasons, why businesses decided to move from Jira to ZenTao.
  2021/01/27   Maxx Fey   18861

Project Management: How to Build an Efficient Product Development Team?

The success of a product requires not only good planning but also efficient execution. As the execution will ultimately come down to the production and research team, creating an efficiently functioning production and research team is one of the prerequisites for product success. In this article, we will analyze and explain how to operate an efficient R&D team from the perspective of project management.
2022/12/21   ZenTao ALM   599

How to Carry out Project Management to Improve Work Efficiency in Telecommuting?

Working from home, I thought I would be more efficient by saving commuting time. The cost of communication has become higher, and the progress of processing things has become slower. So, what can you do to improve your telecommuting productivity? Let's take a look together.
2022/12/20   ZenTao ALM   523

Strategies for Setting Realistic Sprint Goals

There’s a lot to be said about a career in web development. If you want your sprints to be successful, then it’s critical that you plan them well. This includes setting realistic goals that promote optimal results without overwhelming your team.
2022/12/20   Katie Brenneman   663

How CMSes Are Changing Product Management

Product managers require navigating several challenges to ensure timely product delivery. They leverage tools like CMS platforms to publish and update content across digital channels. However, traditional CMSes can no longer suffice today's omnichannel demands. The author has explained how agile CMSes are changing product management.
2022/12/20   Hazel Raoult   788

Ecovacs: ZenTao Achieves Smart Teamwork

Long before the "Smart Home" concept became fashionable, Ecovacs Robotics (ECOVACS) was already at the forefront of innovation in smart home robotics, exploring new ways for robots to transform home...
2022/12/12   WANG JING   725

Arcsolu: A Case of Project Management for Small and Mid-sized Teams

Arcsolu is an enterprise based in Paris, France, founded in 2006, which provides reliable and NF 525 certified cash register software solutions from 2017 according to the government law, Arcresto re...
2022/12/12   WANG JING   717

What is "Agile" in Agile Development?

The term "Agile" sounds simple, but it's not easy in practice. In the following article, the author will combine agile with teamwork and share some of his experiences in product teamwork.
2022/11/27   Bruce K   1106

How to achieve agile software development?

What is agile development? Generally, it divides a project into smaller projects that run independently but are connected and achieve rapid development by completing them separately. The overall advantage is that it is efficient.
2022/11/27   ZenTao ALM   876

How to Choose the Right Management Software for Enterprises?

This article will give you an in-depth analysis of choosing the right management software for your business and lists 3 ways to deploy it. Now, let's take a look.
2022/11/27   ZenTao Content   739

Uncover the Kanban toolbox you may not know

Kanban is a unique visual management tool in the management style and is common in teamwork. Is a Kanban in a company just a notification? This article takes you through the real use of the Kanban system.
2022/11/26   ZenTao ALM   570