For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! Sticky

For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! 51 Testing has published "2022 Software Testing Industry Status Survey Report" in March 2023. Wi...
  2023/04/03   Kelsea   9682

5 Reasons to Move from Jira to ZenTao Sticky

Before we dig down on to consider migration from Jira to ZenTao, let’s start with the basics, for business positions, who might be new to this. We’ll briefly introduce you to Jira, it’s the most popular alternative — ZenTao, and then touch base on the most common reasons, why businesses decided to move from Jira to ZenTao.
  2021/01/27   Maxx Fey   18865

Project Management - A Tree Swing Story

Learn how to resolve the discrepancies between how the customer explained their tree swing and what the customer wanted for their swing by using ZenTao.
2021/12/31   ZenTao   3752

Install Ioncube

Here are the steps, FAQs, and tips on how to install IonCube Loader on Windows XAMPP and IonCube Loader on Mac.
2021/12/31   ZenTao   3913

Extreme Programming Practice: Planning Game

In Extreme Programming, the planning game is a planning meeting held by the development team and stakeholders. It has two sessions: release planning and iteration planning. Customers and all developers in the team must participate.
2021/12/31   ZenTao   1912

Five Features of a Modern Enterprise Architect

Enterprise architecture has made great progress over the past decade. With more and more new technologies coming out, it is important to take full advantage of these factors to create enterprise architecture better. By integrating new technologies into enterprise architecture, plentiful achievements can be made even in difficult times. This article will introduce the five features of modern enterprise architects that everyone is supposed to know. In addition, you can learn how to build the required features to remain relativity and to develop your own business.
2021/12/22   ZenTao   1172

Five Tips for Creating an Effective DevOps Testing Strategy

The sole goal of DevOps is to automate and simplify the entire software delivery process. Currently, most organizations focus on building a flourishing DevOps testing strategy, which is beginning to adopt agile best practices related to continuous integration (CI). This operation requires the developer to check the code in the shared repository several times a day. Automatic builds are used for validation after each check-in, allowing the team to identify errors and potential conflicts.
2021/12/21   Zentao   1326

Agile Development and Documentation: complementary or mutually exclusive?

If Agile is anti-documented, why issue a declaration?
2021/12/17   ZenTao   1728

Should Developers Be Afraid of Low Code?

The LCDP (Low-Code Development Platform) market is large and increasing rapidly. Forrester predicts that the low-code development platform market will increase significantly from $3.8 billion in 2017 to $21.2 billion by 2022. Gartner estimates that by 2024, 65% of application development will involve some form of low code application development.
2021/12/17   ZenTao   2521

Excellent programmers have ten features. How many do you have?

The previous article shared all cutting-edge knowledge and technologies such as DevOps, automated testing, and new technology trends. Only a few developers and testers can fully master these new technologies. After all, most of them are still focusing on their work. There is less time for upgrading and learning new technologies, and many recent trends have not yet been maturely applied to the industry. Therefore, there is no need to worry about this. There is always some constant in the rapid change. The ability to stick to those foundations, and embrace change with a positive attitude, is a sustainable and stable growth path. This issue will share some principles that do not depend on new technologies but can be followed as programmers. You can choose and practice according to your situation.
2021/12/17   Zentao   1360

Thinking of DevOps As a Philosophy - A Great Way to Implement DevOps

People are determined to implement DevOps in their environment and expect more significant benefits from it. DevOps can indeed make the journey of software development fast, but in this article, we will show the other side of DevOps, that is, DevOps is regarded as a philosophy. The fact is that relying on tools alone can't help achieve goals. There needs to be a change in mentality. DevOps is not entirely for faster software development and delivery. It promotes a collaborative environment in which software can be more efficient, fewer bugs, faster, and, more importantly, user-centered.
2021/12/07   Chen Qi   1786

Introduction to Automated Test Framework

Automation testing has increasingly become the "trend" for testers because of its cost-saving advantages, improving efficiency, and reducing manual intervention. Practitioners increasingly clearly understand that realizing the automation framework is one of the critical factors to the success of software automation projects. This article will takeyou into the field of the automated testing framework, how the mechanical testing framework will give you a competitive advantage in the automated testing framework.
2021/12/03   Chen Qi   1962