For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! Sticky

For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! 51 Testing has published "2022 Software Testing Industry Status Survey Report" in March 2023. Wi...
  2023/04/03   Kelsea   9678

5 Reasons to Move from Jira to ZenTao Sticky

Before we dig down on to consider migration from Jira to ZenTao, let’s start with the basics, for business positions, who might be new to this. We’ll briefly introduce you to Jira, it’s the most popular alternative — ZenTao, and then touch base on the most common reasons, why businesses decided to move from Jira to ZenTao.
  2021/01/27   Maxx Fey   18853

Technical Excellence

It’s common that developers make mistakes during design and code. Bugs are prevalent, but still, they need to be fixed and working software is the main measure of project progress. This is also why the technical excellence is emphasized in 12 Principles behind the Agile Manifesto.
2020/07/24   Renee Teng   3686

How to do scheduling for a project

If you do Agile to manage an application/software development project, you can try ZenTao this open source and free project management tool.
2020/07/23   Renee Fey   2315

What are the Product Owner role and his responsibilities?

The way how to perform the Product Owner duty can be divided into two parts: Managing the Product Backlog; and Collaborate with the Team.
2020/07/16   Sam Tuo   5435

Scrum vs Kanban

Comparison of Scrum and Kanban
2020/07/15   Sante Vergini   2885

Install PHP Scrypt Extension

Install PHP Scrypt Extension
2020/07/14   Memory   2344

10 Software Project Management Tools 2021

Agile is also one of the hot words in the realm of project management, as it improves the quality, fast reaction to the market and delivery, with all the advantages your name it.
2020/07/13   Sam Tuo   4804

Project Management - A Tree Swing Story

Learn how to resolve the discrepancies between how the customer explained their tree swing and what the customer wanted for their swing by using ZenTao.
2020/07/11   ZenTao Official   135520

Install Redis for PHP 7.2 (Windows)

Redis is completely open source and free. It complies with the BSD and is a high-performance key-value database.
2020/07/08   Ley Boi   29046

The Most Popular Test Management Tool 2020

51Testing, a software testing service provider, released the 13th Survey on the Current Situation Software Testing Industry 2019 earlier and ZenTao is again selected the most popular test management tool with 43%, compared with Jira 26%.
2020/06/29   Chris Mirai   6574

What is 3-5-3 Structure in Scrum?

The introduction of 3-5-3 structure in Scrum and corresponding features in ZenTao ALM.
2020/06/29   Mirai Michi   49603