How to run ZenTao in Kubernetes with NFS
2020-11-30 10:51:13
How to run ZenTao in Kubernetes with NFS
1. Test in Virtual host
Files needed to be edit
/opt/zbox/app/zentao/config/my.php /opt/zbox/app/zentaoep/config/my.php /opt/zbox/app/zentaopro/config/my.php /opt/zbox/etc/php/php.ini # Edit Port in it /opt/zbox/etc/apache/httpd.conf
Create Group and User
Otherwise there might be AH00544: httpd: bad group name nogroup
useradd nobody groupadd nogroup
Keep or rm them on your own
# Where attachments are /opt/zbox/app/zentao/www/data/upload # ZenTao auto backup root/opt/zbox/app/zentao/tmp/backup
Edit the above file and replace database as yours, I am using Alicloud RDS here.
After editting, start MySQL database service
/opt/zbox/zbox start or,sh run/apache/apachectl start or /opt/zbox/run/apache/httpd -k start
2. Dependencies work before run container
Since I have uploaded some pictures before, I need to use storage here.
Create a script in /opt/run and link storage file to /opt/zbox
Install nfs
# Install nfs-utils yum install-y nfs-utils # Edit exports and grant privilege cat>>/etc/exports<<EOF /opt/,no_root_squash,sync) EOF # Start nfs service systemctlenablerpcbind.service systemctlenablenfs-server.service systemctl start rpcbind.service systemctl start nfs-server.service systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disable firewalld rpcinfo -p # exportfs nfs exportfs -r exportfs
Create dockerfile
Since I want to link /opt/zbox/run with /opt/
So I need to keep one service in background
Create in /opt/run/
nohup/opt/run/apache/httpd -k start& tail-999f /opt/run/nohup.out
Create dockerfile in /opt/run/
FROM MAINTAINER PDABC Enterprise Container Images <[email protected]> RUN (useradd nobody;groupadd nogroup ) COPY run /opt/run ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 ENTRYPOINT ["sh", "/opt/run/"]
Docker build and push
docker build -f Dockerfile-zbox-80 -t docker push
3. Test in Kubernetes
Create pv.yaml
# Create nfs-PV --- apiVersion:v1 kind:PersistentVolume metadata: name:nfs-pv namespace:default labels: pv:nfs-pv spec: capacity: storage:100Gi accessModes: - ReadWriteManypersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy:Retain nfs: path:/opt/zbox server:
kubectl create -f pv.yaml
Create pvc.yaml
# Create NFS-pvc --- kind:PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion:v1 metadata: name:nfs-pvc namespace:default spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage:100Gi selector: matchLabels: pv:nfs-pv
kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml
Create deployment.yaml
apiVersion:apps/v1 kind:Deployment metadata: # deployment name has nothing to do with svc and ingress binding name: zbox-dp namespace:default spec: replicas:1 # labels is necessary when create template since Deployment.spec.selector is required field and it has to correspond template.labels selector: matchLabels: app:zbox # template defined details will apply to all the copies ( e.g. deployment pod ), labels can't be defined in template.spec.containers.Use "kubectl get pods --show-labels" to check template: metadata: labels: app:zbox spec: containers: # It doesn't matter about containers name and svc binding with ingress - name:zbox volumeMounts: - mountPath:/opt/zbox name:zbox-data ports: - name:HTTP containerPort:80 volumes: - name:zbox-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName:nfs-pvc imagePullSecrets: - name:myregistrykey
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Create svc-zbox.yaml
apiVersion:v1 kind: Servicekubectl apply -f pvc.yaml metadata: name:zbox namespace:default spec: type:ClusterIP selector: app:zbox ports: - name:HTTP port:80 targetPort:80
kubectl apply -f svc-zbox.yaml
Create ingress-zbox.yaml
apiVersion:apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: #deployment name has nothing to do with svc and ingress binding name:zbox-dp namespace:default spec: replicas:1 # labels are necessary when creating template since Deployment.spec.selector is a required field and it has to correspond template. labels selector: matchLabels: app:zbox # template defined details will apply to all the copies ( e.g. deployment pod ), labels can't be defined in template.spec.containers.Use "kubectl get pods --show-labels" to check template: metadata: labels: app:zbox spec: containers: # It doesn't matter about containers name and svc binding with ingress - name:zbox volumeMounts: - mountPath: /opt/zbox name:zbox-data ports: - name:HTTP containerPort:80 volumes: - name:zbox-data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName:nfs-pvc imagePullSecrets: - name:myregistrykey
kubectl apply -f ingress-zbox.yaml
Visit ZenTao
Upload a picture and check if NFS has loaded successfully.
There will be another pod automatically loaded.
Check the record again and we can see that the picture is still there which indicates that the docker and storage loading are running fine.
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