ZenTao 10.4.stable is released!
2018-10-08 11:22:00
ZenTao 10.4.stable is released! This release is to optimize the interface and to improve the mechanism of interfaces.
1. Installation and Upgrade Manual
2. Change Log
3298 Restore the layout of detail page.
3297 Restore the color of visited links in a browser.
3296 Options in the drop-down of serach box should not be gray.
3295 Change the color of the module name of list pages to gray.
3172 The timeline in project calendar is too narrow.
3191 Blank page when batch edtting logs in Company.
3186 Reconstruct the form on Add User page.
3228 Auto select related product/project on Create Doc Lib page.
3227 Adjust the width of the form on the Create Doc Lib page.
3253 The file icon is not displayed.
3293 Adjust the line spacing globally.
3292 No horizontal scroll for 1280 resolution.
3291 Restore the logic of Search in the upper right corner of the page.
3074 Login failed due to hibernating. Refresh the session.
3119 No horizontal scroll in Editor.
3122 Pixel of icons are too much in Action.
3127 Change Trash icon to X.
3128 Module tree has no links/relations.
3134 In the block of Report, change it to two rows.
3153 Extra dot is not necessary.
3158 Remove the capital letter.
3166 Adjust the length of the title on View by Group page.
3167 On View by Group page. Set information shown in two lines.
3168 View as Tree. Type is too protruding.
3169 Remove the Module in Tree.
3177 Adjust the layout of information in Dynamic.
3180 Department name is not highlighted when viewing users in Company.
3181 Combine Todo and Log to Schedule.
3183 Adjust the alignment of gauge outfit.
3184 Change the default ordering of projects. Adjust the alignment of ID and Alias fields.
3188 The navbar is too wide in Company->User.
3189 Make the password field shorter on Batch Create User page.
3190 Company->Log. Menu is not highlighted. Description is too short.
3193 Add spaces between projects in Company->Department.
3194 Highlight new groups on Privilege page.
3206 Remove the line in the middle of the page.
3207 Check the layout of blocks integrated in Zdoo.
3208 Adjust the style of ZenTao after being integrated into Zdoo.
3217 Highlight the title of a doc after searching for it.
3242 On Report Bug page, the dropdown is not auto hidden after loading all users.
3243 Highligh users that are being loaded.
3252 If Pass a test case manually, do not update the status of test case when recording its result.
3255 Adjust the precondition of editing a form of cases. The height of the table can be lower and do not wrap in the table.
3256 Adjust the form on Create Test Suite page.
3266 Do not list all forms when searching in cases that test sheet is linked.
3269 Create a menu for task lists.
3275 Optimize API mechanism.
3151 Adjust the interaction rules of actions on the detail page.
3150 Back buttons on detail pages are not the same.
3149 Black is too black.
3. Download
Source Code Package
One-Click Package with Integrated Runtime( These are for first-time installation ONLY. Do Not download it to upgrade ZenTao. )
Windows 64 bit one-click installation
Windows 32 bit one-click installation
Windows one-click installation(No security Settings)
Linux 64 bit one-click installation Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.
Linux 32 bit one-click installation Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.
DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian
RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos
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