List of 60 necessary testing tools for software testers
2020-12-10 09:26:58
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List of 60 necessary testing tools for software testers
We divide common testing tools into 10 categories.
1. Test management tools
2. Interface testing tools
3. Performance testing tools
4. C / s automation tools
5. White box test tool
6. Code scanning tools
7. Continuous integration tools
8. Network testing tools
9. App automation tools
10. Web security testing tool
Note: tool ranking doesn't make any sense.
Most beginners, or practitioners of knowledge in a certain field, habitually collect all kinds of seemingly useless materials, videos and tools. In fact, if we study, understand and apply it, it is still useful. Otherwise, it will only take up disk space and waste time. However, tools. Not all of them. But we still need to understand a little bit.
Mixed in the software testing professional circle. At least know what tools are available. When to use what tools, what problems can be solved by each tool. Then, deep application of several tools, you can.
Below I provide you with a rich list of software testing tools. These testing tools not only reduce testing effort, but also help bring your software / application to market faster and maintain speed while maintaining quality.
1. Test management tools
JIRA (easy to use)
Quality Center (complex, charged)
ZenTao (simple and easy to use)
Bugzilla (simple function)
SVN (code and document management tool)
VSS is similar to SVN
GIT, the same as SVN, but multi branch management is better than SVN
Note (large and complete, too expensive)
CQ (ClearQuest IBM products - large and complete)
2. Interface testing tools
JMeter (open source)
JMeter and postman are recommended
JMeter is a free and open source tool written in 100% pure Java. It is mainly used for performance testing. Compared with LoadRunner, JMeter has the advantages of small memory consumption, free open source, light and convenient, and no installation. It is more and more popular among the public.
Postman is an interface test plug-in from Google. It is easy to use, supports use case management, supports get, post, file upload, response verification, variable management, environment parameter management and other functions. It can run in batch and support the export and import of use cases.
3. Performance testing tools
LoadRunner, large and comprehensive, it's still a little difficult to master it. It's a heavy tool
JMeter, an open source performance testing tool based on Java platform, is actually very powerful and easy to use
Web bench, a simple web benchmark testing tool
Load UI, an open source stress testing tool, supports graphical
Httperf, a high performance web performance testing tool
Siege is an open source pressure and index testing tool
The first two are more commonly used
4. C / s automation tools
QTP (record playback and script editing), using VB language
Winrunner IBM products are similar to QTP
AutoIT does a good job in window positioning
5. White box test tool
Unit testing framework of Jtest Java language
JUnit tool for Java verification
CPPUnit cross platform C + + unit testing framework
GTEST cross platform C + + unit testing framework
PhpUnit Php
Boundschecker C + +, Delphi API and OLE error checking, pointer and leak error checking, memory error checking
TrueTime C + +, Java, visual basic code running efficiency check, component performance analysis
6. Code scanning tools
Coverage source code static analysis tool
Cppcheck C + + static scanning tool
Gcover code coverage tool
Findbugs: Based on bytecode analysis, a large number of data stream analysis technologies are used, focusing on runtime error detection, such as null pointer reference
7.Continuous integration tools
8. Network testing tools
At present, sbolen is a popular network automation test commercial platform (and can completely replace LoadRunner), which can basically meet all network product testing requirements, but it is very expensive
Ixia is also a platform for performance and stress testing of network equipment
Wireshark packet capture analysis and playback test tool
TC network packet loss and test simulation tool, very easy to use
Iperf is used to test the network quality of TCP and UDP
Tcpping tool works in the TCP layer by sending forged TCP syn packets and listening for syn / ACK or RST returned from the server or intermediate device
9. App automation tools
Appium is the most popular automated testing framework based on app
The automatic testing framework under instruments IOS platform is written in Java language
Uiautomator Android automated testing framework, which basically supports all Android event operations
Monkey Android test tools
Improved version of monkey runner monkey, supporting self writing script test, using Python language
Roboticium is a foreign Android automated testing framework with simple usage
Web security testing tool
10. Web security testing tool
Financial services and banking have always been the victims of security vulnerabilities, as they can destroy a large amount of sensitive user data. However, financial services are essential for everyone. So here's a list of security testing tools for building a robust application.
Appscan is a tool used in many ways. After scanning, it can find most of the vulnerabilities.
Netspacer Community Edition can detect SQL injection and cross page script events. What's more, it can provide solutions
Websecurify is an easy-to-use open-source tool. This program is supported by some plug-ins, which can automatically detect web vulnerabilities. After running, it can generate a variety of test reports
Wapiti, an open source tool written in Python, can detect web applications and detect injection points in web pages.
This tool can detect more than 100 pages at a time, including the detection of cross page scripts.
Skipfish, a lightweight security testing tool, can handle 2000 requests per second.
A free software from scrawlr HP, which can detect SQL injection vulnerabilities.
Watcher: This is a plug-in for fiddler, which can run silently in the background and detect cross domain submission..
Webscarab is actually a proxy software with many functions, which can detect XSS cross site scripting vulnerabilities, SQL injection vulnerabilities, etc..
Package capturing tool: Fiddler
Bursuite: brute force cracking and bag capturing tool
Agile model, Devops and many modern software development methods / concepts are supporting the relevance of testing throughout the SDLC process.
Software testing tools are the catalyst, which will determine the speed of the new era challenges brought by the market.
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