ZenTao 16.0 is released
2022-01-05 15:51:27
ZenTao has added the Programme and Execution concept, increased support for the three project management models of Scrum, Waterfall, and Kanban, and provided end-to-end integrated DevOps solutions and automated test management solutions. At the same time, different ways of experience and new desktop clients have been added, you can click the message card and notification card to quickly jump to the corresponding page of ZenTao.
ZenTao will continue to work steadily and focus on users' experience in the future, we will continue to meet users' needs based on optimizing the existing features. We will produce more official plug-ins, course support services, and technical support services to respond to users' individual needs and deliver more professional project management solutions!
This release has upgraded the project management model and added a waterfall management model. Users can choose the management model according to actual needs, which enhances project management flexibility.
Optimized the execution of the Kanban function, users can manage requirements, tasks, and bugs separately through Kanban, which greatly enhances the visibility of the project management process.
Provided a brand new Desktop, through which users can communicate efficiently and access ZenTao conveniently.
Added the general-purpose Kanban function which is very flexible and can be highly customized. Daily affairs can be managed through General-purpose Kanban. It provides users with a unified team collaboration platform.
ZenTao API with the RESTful style has been added, which makes it easier to use. After upgrading to version 16, you can view the latest version of the ZenTao interface document in Doc-API Document.
Support for PHP 8.0 has been added.
The improved function of ZenTao 16.0 mainly includes:
- A new general-purpose Kanban function has been added, and non-R&D users can also use ZenTao to collaborate in teams.
- The entrance of ZenTao functions has been added in the left navigation of the Desktop. Users can access ZenTao more conveniently through the left navigation.
- The notification merging mechanism has been optimized in the Desktop, which avoids the interference of multiple single notifications to users.
- You can quickly jump to the corresponding page of ZenTao by clicking the message card or notification card on the Desktop.
- The requirement/bug/task list and product associate can be shown as cards on the Desktop.
- The waterfall model has been integrated into ZenTao, which adds a new tool and a new method in project management.
- The function of state management and branch merging has been added to the branch, planning to modify the branches in batches, which improves the flexibility of branch management.
- The interface library has been added to the document. Users can manage API documents in the interface library and maintain the API document version.
- The Kanban function is optimized. Make it available to update and monitor the requirements, tasks, and bugs. The management method is more transparent and efficient.
- Add the record of actual start time and actual completion time to the project and execution, making sure the project's complete cycle and execution are more accurate.
- Add the state of linkage to start state of execution, project, and item set to reduce unnecessary manual operations.
- Add shortcuts to the documents to reduce users’ operation paths and improve the efficiency of document maintenance.
- You can add and view the functions of GitLab branches, which is convenient to configure and manage code library branches in ZenTao.
- You can set the function of GitLab branch protection, which is convenient to configure and manage branch privilege in ZenTao.
Welcome to download and upgrade.
Modified Records
Completed requirements
45815 Implement Kanban space view
45816 Implement space creation/setting function
45817 Implement the creation function of Kanban
45818 Implement the default view of the Kanban
45819 Implement the function of adding cards to Kanban
45820 Implement the function of viewing card details
45821 Print the setting menu of Kanban
45822 Implement the new swim lane function
45823 Implement the function of closing Kanban
45824 Print column more settings menu
45825 Implement the edit column function
45826 Implement the work-in-process restriction setting function of the column
45827 Implement the new column function
45828 More settings menu for printing cards
45829 Implement the function of editing cards
45830 Implement the function of editing swim lanes
45831 Implement the Kanban setting function
46146 Implement more setting operations for kanban cards
46147 Implement the full-screen viewing function of Kanban
46148 Implement functions of adding new regional
46149 Print area more settings drop-down menu
46150 Implement the editing function of the area
46151 Implement the function of column splitting into sub-columns
46152 Implement the delete column function
46153 Implement the function of card sorting
46154 Implement the function of deleting a card
46155 Implement the function of moving a card
46156 Implement the function of setting card color
46157 Implement area drag sorting function
46158 Implement the swimming lane drag sort function
46159 Implement column drag sort function
46160 Implement the function of deleting swim lanes
46161 Implement the drag sorting function of the swim lane group
46162 Implement the area expand/collapse function
46163 Implement the display style of the card
46164 The ready column in the required swimlane can be dragged in and out of the card
46165 Bug card can be dragged and displayed in the middle column and test column in the bug swim lane
46240 Implement the delete area function
46241 Implement the function of viewing archived columns
46242 Implement the function of viewing archived cards
46243 Implement the archive column function
46244 Implement the function of archiving card
46245 Add a Kanban and space button to the global add drop-down menu
46246 Implement the function of viewing archived information in the area
29424 Allowing users to create tasks when reviewing merge requests in ZenTao
29388 Modify and edit the GitLab user page to bind ZenTao users
29387 Change GitLab user list icon
29301 Add an entry button to view the branch on the ZenTao GitLab project list page
29289 Implement the function of setting GitLab branch protection in ZenTao
26551 Implement the branch function of adding GitLab codebase in ZenTao
29613 Z tool merges any branch process technical solution
29609 Implement the help function of Z tool
29601 Implement the function of Z tool to trigger the execution of the specified pipeline/build task
29599 Implement the interface for querying the local merge check settings of the ZenTao code base branch
29597 Implement the interface to update the ZenTao merge request
29573 Implement the function of local merging of the specified source branch and target branch code by the Z tool
29544 Implement the function of automatically deleting the source branch after merging the code in ZenTao
29531 Implement the function of creating GitLab tags in ZenTao
29528 Implement the function of deleting GitLab tags in ZenTao
29439 Implement ZenTao plug-in with Z tool switch
29303 Implement the function of viewing the GitLab tag list in ZenTao
29637 Merged markdown parsing function
29182 The closed branch status is displayed in the branch drop-down menu
28736 Add the project field to the execution list
25209 When the release is saved, the user is prompted whether to associate the developed requirements and the resolved bugs in the version to the release
15471 Added reminder for postponed tasks
14777 Provides branch merge function
14773 When the plan is to modify the branch, the conflicting requirements are listed to remind that the branch will be removed from the plan after the modified branch
29130 When it comes to the request to access the back-end index.php, it needs to be compatible with the back-end index.php access method is PATH_INFO
29126 Optimize the floating label and more buttons in the left navigation bar
29096 The navigation of merging Xuanxuan with ZenTao
29013 Optimize the layout of the card content on the Zen Tao requirement/Bug/task details page
29011 Implement the function of dynamically changing the size of commonly used Zen Tao message cards with the chat window
29009 Optimize the scroll bar styles of commonly used Zen Tao message cards
28958 Add a full-screen button for the video in the meeting
28942 ZenTao webpage allows you to log in to any number of Xuanxuan webpages
25907 Upgrade to Flutter 2, pay attention to migration to air security
29225 Implement the function of clicking on the Zen Tao card to jump to the corresponding page of Zen Tao
29222 Implement the function of clicking on the ZenTao notification card to jump to the corresponding page of ZenTao
29187 Implementation of Zen Tao notification merger mechanism
29185 Implement the expansion function of demand/Bug/task notification
29184 Implement the card style after Zen Tao notice merged
29179 Optimize the card style of ZenTao single notification
29018 Implement the style and function of requirement/Bug/task list card
29017 Implement the product plan card style and function
28937 ZenTao Web terminal displays the Xuanxuan chat window as a floating window
29533 Avoid repeatedly opening the file preview window
29498 The file name before the suffix is selected by default in the pop-up window of Save File As
29496 Optimized the prompt way of opening/opening the folder after saving the picture as
29494 The Xuanxuan language in Zen Tao is consistent with Zen Tao page
29447 The avatar and the "+" in the upper right corner of the ZenTao client page under Windows and Linux move a certain distance to the left
29415 Adjust the default positioning and icon partition of the left navigation of ZenTao client
29414 Optimize the ZenTao icon on the left side of the ZenTao client to make the icon size consistent visually
29413 Do not let users perceive the loading status of the left navigation icon on the ZenTao client
29140 No temporary files will be generated when previewing files
Source Code Package | Official Website |
One-Click Installation Package for Windows | 64 bit 32 bit |
One-Click Installation Packages for Linux (unzip to /opt ) |
64 bit (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+) 32 bit (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+) 64 bit (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-) 32 bit (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-) |
PHP Package | DEB package RPM package |
ZenTao Desktop | Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS |
ZenTao Desktop Server | Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS |
API Document
General-purpose Kanban
Create space in Kanban
Kanban cards can be dragged and moved
Create a project in Waterfall model
Merging GitLab request
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