ZenTao 16.4 is Released

2022-02-17 16:12:56
Summary : Hello everyone! ZenTao 16.4 is released! This release mainly implements the import of JIRA data and provides a new platform and management tool for the majority of JIRA users for free. It also supports creating SonarQube projects, generating detailed reports and importing issues to ZenTao Bugs.
ZenTao: 15 years of dedication to building open source project management software
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ZenTao 16.4 is Released

Hello everyone, ZenTao 16.4 is released! This release mainly implements the import of JIRA data and provides a new platform and management tool for the majority of JIRA users for free. It also supports creating SonarQube projects, generating detailed reports and importing issues to ZenTao Bugs.

The improved feature of ZenTao 16.4 mainly includes:

  • ZenTao supports the import of JIRA data and provides a new platform and management tool for the majority of JIRA users for free.
  • Support the maintenance and management of SonarQube projects, making code inspection and issue management more efficient and convenient.
  • Optimize GitLab related details and make user experience more friendly.

Welcome to download and upgrade!

Modify record

Completed requirement

30526 Implement the function of importing JIRA data into ZenTao

30675 Optimize the scan result details page of SonarQube in ZenTao

30583 SonarQube login-free probe requirements

30576 Hide the buttons about branch and tag operations under GitLab projects when the corresponding GitLab project's codebase is empty in ZenTao

30559 Giving alerts when setting GitLab project or group permissions to public in ZenTao

30558 Implement the clickable function of GitLab group URL

30556 The address in the GitLab server list can be clicked

30554 Modify the GitLab server list "GitLab name" to "GitLab server"

30553 Implement the compatibility check function of the current GitLab version when creating a GitLab server in ZenTao

30552 Grayed out the Merge Request Edit button in ZenTao for users without privileges

30461 Implement the function of converting SonarQube issues into ZenTao bugs

30455 Implement SonarQube issue details page

30453 Implement the Search function of the SonarQube issue list page

30451 Implement the Return function of the SonarQube issue list page

30447 Add an entry to the issue details list on the SonarQube scan report summary page

30443 Implement the function of verifying whether the user is a SonarQube administrator when creating/editing a SonarQube server

30183 Implement the entry to view the SonarQube code inspection result from the ZenTao SonarQube project list

29859 Implement the function of creating SonarQube projects in ZenTao

29241 Implement the function of sending build notifications to Xuanxuan

29228 Implement SonarQube project issue list page

Fixed bug

18816 GitLab type repository code not fully displayed in DevOps-Code

18382 Inconsistent display of version number in the version column of the code page

18380 Multiple records are displayed duplicate in the history

18104 VS Code COMMIT_EDITMSG file should only show unchecked requirements/bugs/tasks

18076 Requirement details page under Project/Execution should be jumped to when viewing requirements under Project/Execution in VSCode

17869 View Requirements, Tasks and Bugs in VScode prompting "Error in requesting backend"

17851 View the requirements under execution in VScode, prompting to select the project first


Docker: Click here


Admin-Import Jira (Super administrator privileges are required, and the PHP version must >= 5.6)

Import From Database

Create SonarQube Project

SonarQube Report Page

SonarQube Issue List Page


Installation Manual

Update Manual

If you have any questions or would like to get a free trial for more than three users, contact [email protected] for help.

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