Add Task
- 2020-03-24 22:18:49
- John Ten
- 4350
- Last edited by Taotao on 2020-03-25 07:50:58
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Method Description |
This method is used to add a task. When adding a new task, the relevant project, assigned user, the priority and other related information can be set. |
Example |
public function addTask() { include_once('../vendor/zentao/zentao.php'); $zentao = new \zentao(); $params = array( 'project' => 1, 'type' => 'ui', 'module' => 0, 'assignedTo[]' => 'lisi', 'testAssignedTo[]' => 'lisi', 'color' => '', 'name' => 'Add Task 2 for Test', 'pri' => 2, 'estimate' => 1, 'desc' => 'Add task description for Test Add task description for Test', 'estStarted' => '2019-11-11', 'deadline' => '2019-11-12', 'mailto[1]' => 'lisi' ); // request parameters $result = $zentao->addTask($params); return $result; } |
Request |
POST | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Method |
addTask |
Parameter |
Result |
success | error | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
{ "status": 1, "msg": "success", "result": "Saved" } |
{ "status": 0, "msg": "error", "result": { "name": [ "『Task name』 should not be empty." ] } } |
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