
3626   2020-12-23

ZenTao Pro 9.0.2 is released

ZenTao Pro 9.0.2 is released. It is to synchronize with ZenTao open source 12.5.2. ZenTao Pro is an enhanced version ...
ZenTao Open Source 12.5.2 is released. This release is to fix bugs. Changelog 3744 Error prompts after searchin...
9744   2020-12-03

ZenTao Biz 4.1.1 is released

ZenTao Biz 4.1.1 is released! This release is to synchronize with ZenTao Pro 9.0.1 and ZenTao open source 12.5.1. About...
4918   2020-12-03

ZenTao Pro 9.0.1 is released

ZenTao Pro 9.0.1 is released. It is to synchronize with ZenTao open source 12.5.1. ZenTao Pro is an enhanced ver...
ZenTao Open Source 12.5.1 is released. This release is to optimize security and to fix loopholes.
11032   2020-11-25

ZenTao Enterprise 4.1 is released

ZenTao Enterprise 4.1 is released! This release is to synchronize with ZenTao Pro 9.0 and ZenTao open source 12.5.stable...
3482   2020-11-25

ZenTao Pro 9.0 is released

ZenTao Pro 9.0 is released. It is to synchronize with ZenTao open source 12.5.stable. ZenTao Pro is an enhanced ...
ZenTao Open Source 12.5.stable is released. This release is to fix bugs and to develop stories with top priorities....
ZenTao Open Source 12.4.4 is released. This release is to synchroinze with the Pro and Ent versions. Download So...
ZenTao Enterprise 4.0.4 is released! This release is to synchronize with ZenTao Pro 8.9.4. You can also check the change...