ZenTao 6.2 stable version released!
- 2014-08-27 13:41:00
- chunge Original
- 7121
- Add a config item of ajaxform timeout, thus user can control the timout seconds manualy.
- Add a switch of turn off story review logic or not.
- Add query() method to DAO class, thus user can execute a sql directly, for example: $bugs = $this->dao->query('select * from zt_bug')->fetchAll();
- Add count() method to DAO class.$count
= $this->dao->select('*')-from(TABLE_BUG)->where('status')->eq('normal')->count();
- When manage privilege of a group, show the group name.
- Remove unused js extension.
- When create story from the sprint page, set the status of the story to active default.
- Adjust the title and position for every page.
- When link resolved bugs to a release, don't link the bugs whose resolution is postponed.
- Show created date, finished date of build in sprint's history page.
- Add pause status to task.
- When a case failed, can chose steps to create bug. For example: step1 and step2 ad bug A, step3 to step5 ad bug B.
- Add same as above feature to batch create bug page.
- When browse effors page of the company, keep the department and account fixed at left.
- When link stories to a plan, can use the search form now.
- Show the story spec on task info page.
- Adjust the object title of every edit page.
- Set the tab index of the kindedtor, thus user can press tab key to get out of the editor.
- Adjust the logic when move unfinshed tasks from one sprint to another.
- Add operation buttons to the bug info page opened from the build info page.
- When move bug to sprint as task, list the postponed bugs also.
- Add all sprints link in the drop down menu of sprints.
- Rewrite the control panel of windows stack by lazarus.
- Order the plans by date reverse in search form.
- Show related sprints in story info page.
- Use different color for different status.
- Rewrite the logic of length compute logic in DAO class.
- When import bug to sprint as task, compute it's module auto.
- Don't list closed objects for story, task, bug, case list pages.
Source code: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/6.2/ZenTaoPMS.6.2.stable.zip/download
windows stack: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/6.2/ZenTaoPMS.6.2.stable.exe/download
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