ZenTao 11.3 is released!
- 2019-02-27 09:19:00
- Amber Original
- 4900
ZenTao 11.3 is released! This release is to optimize details and to fix bugs.
Installation and Upgrade Manual
Change Log
2920 Auto change linked cases if cases in a Case Lib changed.
3419 Highlight the deadline of the delayed bug on the list.
3420 Display the number of days that the delayed bug delays on detail page.
3446 Change a story->Cursor on the title of the story.
3453 Check the links in one-click installation package for Windows and Linux.
3454 Display the value of Priority and Estimates/Effort when reviewing a story.
3457 Remove closed accounts from assignee list when resolving a bug.
3458 Put Severity in front of Priority on the page of the bug list.
3462 Doc detail page. Add text and record the status of the Full-Screen button.
3463 Duplicated Delete buttons when previewing images.
3464 Display the year and date of a document when listing documents.
3466 Add status selections to editing a block.
3483 Increase the width of the dropdown of Product on Product view.
3488 Add an entry to Add DocLib to the left column of the page.
3489 Optimize the page of Create DocLib.
3490 Keep the list on the left column of DocLib page and the items in the dropdown consistent on Product and Project pages.
3499 Introduce Doc type to users and select a type when creating a doc.
3501 Optimize delete icon on story detail pages.
3504 Company-User. Check tasks and mark delayed ones.
3511 Complete buttons on the menu of DocLib.
3535 Distinguish bugs on different severity level with bright colors.
3536 Add a reminder to notify users to create a build when submitting a test, if no builds are created for the project.
3538 Remove Yahoo and Wangwang related fields.
3548 No center-align for story detail pages.
3562 If a note for an Effort is too long, use suspension show.
3563 Optimize ZenTao client integration.
3567 Add Sort feature to Custom DocLib and Book.
3571 Add Child Plan to Plan.
3572 Adjust Roadmap after Child Plan is added.
3574 Add prompts to notify users on privileges of Product, Project DocLib, and Doc.
3575 Add Timezone setting.
3576 Add prompts to Release-Milestone.
3577 Keep the status of the form after searching under conditions.
3578 Optimize the UI of the control chosen.
3579 Add variables to avoid DNS timeout for email sender service.
2427 Data error in Tree diagram.
2426 Error message in upgrade.
2425 Link a story to another story. It can't be canceled.
2424 Deadline of tasks in the daily reminder email is not displayed.
2421 If a user has the privilege to visit company-browse.json, the value of md5 of all user password will show.
2413 Abnormal security limit to file upload.
2410 Batch decompose story. Same as story button has to be optimized.
2332 Cancel auto-fill in the browser.
2311 Integrate Gi. If Git account is too long, it will not be synced.
2270 Invalid Batch Assign button in Project.
1838 Project-Task/Story. Modules are not consistent.
1529 Change the sorting of a list, the paging order is wrong.
Source Code Package
One-Click Package with Integrated Runtime
Note: It is for the first-time installation ONLY. Do NOT download it to update ZenTao you have installed.
Windows 64 bit one-click installation
Windows 32 bit one-click installation
Windows one-click installation (No security Settings)
Linux 64 bit one-click installation (unzip it to /opt)
Linux 32 bit one-click installation (unzip it to /opt)
DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian
RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos
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