ZenTao 16.5.beta1 is Launched
- 2022-03-21 10:12:00
- Kelsea Original
- 2001
ZenTao 16.5.beta1 is Launched
Hello and welcome to ZenTao 16.5.beta1! We have integrated the feature of interface switching since ZenTao 16.5. The interface is a reorganization of ZenTao features. Let's take an example of the default interface -- R&D Interface, you can see all the developer-related features on this page. Based on the R&D Interface, we have integrated the Lite Interface with more streamlined features in ZenTao 16.5.beta 1, which is convenient for the non-developer team to do the project management.
The features of the Lite Interface include project management, OA management, Kanban management, Doc, system and etc. Besides, we are going to launch other interfaces for multiple roles in the near future, such as the Developer Exclusive Interface, Testing Exclusive Interface, Product Owner Exclusive Interface and etc.
The Main Performance Improvements of ZenTao 16.5.beta1:
- Lite Interface is newly added. Support the switching between the R&D Interface and Lite Interface.
- The features of the Lite Interface include project management, OA management, Kanban management, Doc, system and etc.
- The extension mechanism is upgraded. The new version is not only compatible with historical extensions while supporting the display of multiple interfaces but also compatible with subsequent custom development.
Welcome to download and try!
Modify Record
Completed requirement
50241 Add requirement/task/bug delete function in Professional R&D Kanban
50240 Add requirement/task/bug delete function in Scrum Kanban
49889 Requirement categories on the creating requirements page are displayed uniformly as requirement types
49888 When there are multiple lanes with shared columns in the lane group, the selection of the lanes is added to which they belong on the creation page
49886 On the page of the Software Requirement list, back to the requirement list after creating a requirement.
49883 A single plan can be closed
49882 Add logo in front of a sub-plan in the plan list
49881 Minimum width of the plan name field is 250px in the plan list
49880 The format in the plan rich text box is incorrectly formatted in the plan list description
49696 Bugs can be imported in the professional R&D Kanban task lane
49695 Task in the professional R&D Kanban can be operated through more buttons
49694 Bug in the professional R&D Kanban can be operated through more buttons
49693 Requirement in the professional R&D Kanban can be operated through more buttons
49692 Added space type adjustment on the Settings page
49318 Import use cases from the use case library, confirm the page branch platform column default as above
49303 When the branch function is not enabled in the plan, the height of the kanban board can be adaptively displayed according to the height of the browser
49302 Added batch adjustment status function to plan list
49301 The number of items displayed after the item list label in classic mode
49299 When multiple products are linked to the execution, the bulk create requirement function is not available under all product conditions
49298 When the Kanban is linked to multiple products, the product selection function is provided in the batch request page
49297 Professional R&D Kanban provides the product selection function when submitting multiple products on the Bug page in batches
49296 Add a drop-down option for the parent requirement on the Add Requirement page
49295 Display the specific person's name when there is no avatar in the system
49294 Add a button to cancel the review on the details page of the requirements that have been submitted for review
49293 Adjust the scope of message notification after requirements change
49292 When redefining the privileges of a project, the creator and the project manager will take the system privileges
49289 Added plan status field to plan details
49286 You can set the saved search criteria as public search criteria
49285 Multiple IDs can be specified for searching by number
49284 Add the condition of adding activation date to search
49283 Priority P in the list is displayed as the priority when the mouse hovers
49282 In the execution Kanban, add a deferred flag to the deferred execution
49281 Bulk creation of requirements pages reviewed by whom can be selected by default as above
49280 Add the delayed flag for postponed items in the project Kanban
Fixed bug
19646 Error reported when viewing the software requirement and settings in the imported Jira data
19639 The related attachment of the imported Jira data is not shown in the task
19614 When importing Jira data from a file, users can't continue after clicking next without importing the file
19592 The style of the pop-up window with the saved successfully information when editing requirement concept need to be adjusted
19565 Re-importing a new database without clearing the jirafile under tmp will result in a code error
19557 Error reported when creating a product
19506 The relevant test report in the submit test page can only be selected under the current version of the test report
19471 Incorrect display on the Add Stakeholder page of the program
19445 The title of the mouse hovering bug to be processed is not displayed completely
19408 Errors reported when importing case template in multi-branch product
19389 Errors were reported when selecting the custom area of a Kanban in the Kanban project
19383 Only 1,000 projects can be synced after integrated Gitlab
19335 Error reported when going to the GitLab project list under php74
19327 In the R&D Kanban, the "iteration" is not reasonable on the page of linking requirement according to the plan
19323 Click Save but can't automatically go to the next page after changing the avatar if the user name contains special characters such as "," and "."
19307 The title of the closed Kanban project in the drop-down menu in the upper left corner of the project is shown incorrectly
19306 Error reported when clicking Finish of the Task and Bug to-do in My -- Calendar
19255 The execution belongs is shown when creating Bug in Kanban
19249 The style of the setting page of the requirement concept is not correctly
19161 The archive feature is turned off by default
19137 The theme of ZenTao can't be set
18741 The close reason for the requirement to be reviewed is not linked to the Edit page
18305 The prompt is about editing when starting a Bug-type To-do in My -- Calendar
17336 The linked requirements are shown when the Software Requirement is linked to the project
17312 Save and Back buttons are not centered on the form
Source Code Package | PHP5.3-5.6 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2_7.4 PHP 8.0 No Security Settings |
One-Click Installation Package for Windows | 64 bit 32 bit |
One-Click Installation Packages for Linux (unzip to /opt ) |
64 bit (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+) 32 bit (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+) 64 bit (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-) 32 bit (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-) |
DEB Package | php5.3-5.6 php7.0 php7.1 php7.2-7.4 php8.0 |
RPM Package | php5.3-5.6 php7.0 php7.1 php7.2-7.4 php8.0 |
ZenTao Desktop | Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS |
ZenTao Desktop Server | Windows 64-bit Windows 32-bit Linux 64-bit Linux 32-bit macOS |
Docker: Click here
Interface switching
Lite Interface
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