
2499   2022-01-06

ZenTao Biz 6.0 is released

Hello everyone! ZenTao Biz 6.0 is released, which mainly fixes some bugs and is compatible with ZenTao 16.0.
3943   2022-01-05

ZenTao 16.0 is released

Hello everyone! ZenTao 16.0 is released. We have added the Waterfall model, general-purpose Kanban, Chat on-line functio...
2765   2022-01-04

ZenTao Pro 11.0 is released

Hello everyone! ZenTao Pro 11.0 is released. The release mainly fixes multiple bugs and is compatible with Open Source 1...
The 6 series have newly upgraded the project management model. This release adds a new waterfall management model. Users...
Summary: The 11 series have newly upgraded the project management model. This release adds a new waterfall management mo...
4645   2021-12-24

ZenTao 16.0.beta1 is released

Hello, everyone! ZenTao 16.0. beta1 is released! With a newly added waterfall model, optimized Kanban function, improve...
Qingdao, Shandong, China --- On Tuesday, November 23, 2021 the open-source project management software Zentao’s holding ...
3363   2021-11-17

ZenTao Biz 5.3.1 is released

ZenTao Biz 5.3.1 is released, compatible with Open Source
3521   2021-11-12

ZenTao 15.7.1 is released

Hello, everyone! ZenTao community edition 15.7.1 is released! This release mainly fixes multiple bugs and improves sever...
3095   2021-11-03

ZenTao 15.7 is released

Hello everyone, ZenTao community edition 15.7 is released! This release mainly adds an interface library to the document...