Automation Testing Solution from ZenTao team
- 2021-02-23 14:10:44
- Troy Original
- 4267
ZenTao, ZTF and ZenData are independent and complementary to each other. Together with the Jenkins continuous integration platform, as well as JUnit, Selenium and other unit and automation testing frameworks and tools, they form a complete automation testing solution. Users can use Jenkins to drive ZTF to execute certain types of automated tests, and scripts get structured test data by accessing data files or API interfaces generated by ZenData during the testing process, thus realizing the purpose of separating data and scripts.
ZTF automation testing framework
ZTF features:
- Simple: ZTF's syntax tags and rules are very simple, easy to get started at first glance.
- Cross-platform: ZTF is developed in GO language, cross-platform, only one executable file, it can run.
- Cross-language: ZTF supports common programming languages, you can use whatever you like.
- Cross-framework: ZTF can be well integrated with common unit testing frameworks and common automation testing frameworks in the market.
- Engineering: Using ZTF can really achieve engineering automation testing, you can manage and execute automation tests in large quantities and on a large scale.
- Cross-scenario: With the help of other frameworks, ZTF can be used to do unit testing, interface testing, web interface testing, GUI interface testing, APP testing and many other scenarios.
ZenData Universal Data Generation Tool
ZenData features
- Simple and dependency-free, with only one executable file, it can meet both command line generation and HTTP interface data generation services.
- The use of configuration files to generate data, the use of personnel do not need to have development knowledge, you can get started with the application.
- Provides powerful syntax, grouping, interval, step, loop, random, formatting and prefix, etc., with great configuration flexibility.
- Supports reading data from text files for precise user control over field values.
- Provides a standard SQL query interface for Excel table data, making it more flexible to use.
- Multiplexing of definitions using prefabricated sequences (ranges), instances (instances), and configurations (config) to solve complex data format definitions.
- The syntax supports inheritance and extension to facilitate reuse between definition files.
- Data can be parsed in reverse, and the output of the program can be parsed to facilitate comparison by automated test scripts.
- The definition file of basic business data is built into the distribution package (under continuous improvement).
- HTTP interface data generation service is provided, which can be easily invoked by various languages.
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