Open Source

2555   2022-01-06

ZenTao Biz 6.0 is released

Hello everyone! ZenTao Biz 6.0 is released, which mainly fixes some bugs and is compatible with ZenTao 16.0.
4061   2022-01-05

ZenTao 16.0 is released

Hello everyone! ZenTao 16.0 is released. We have added the Waterfall model, general-purpose Kanban, Chat on-line functio...
2833   2022-01-04

ZenTao Pro 11.0 is released

Hello everyone! ZenTao Pro 11.0 is released. The release mainly fixes multiple bugs and is compatible with Open Source 1...
The 6 series have newly upgraded the project management model. This release adds a new waterfall management model. Users...
Summary: The 11 series have newly upgraded the project management model. This release adds a new waterfall management mo...
4758   2021-12-24

ZenTao 16.0.beta1 is released

Hello, everyone! ZenTao 16.0. beta1 is released! With a newly added waterfall model, optimized Kanban function, improve...
3617   2021-11-12

ZenTao 15.7.1 is released

Hello, everyone! ZenTao community edition 15.7.1 is released! This release mainly fixes multiple bugs and improves sever...
3138   2021-11-03

ZenTao 15.7 is released

Hello everyone, ZenTao community edition 15.7 is released! This release mainly adds an interface library to the document...
3767   2021-10-22

ZenTao 15.6 is released

Hello, ZenTao version 15.6 has been released! This release mainly fixes bugs. Welcome to download and upgrade.
University of Minnesota was Banned from Contributing to the Linux Kernel  due to deliberate introduction of ...