ZenTao Open Source 11.6.5 Released

2019-11-14 09:11:38

ZenTao Open Source 11.6.5 has been released! This release is to fix bugs.

Change Log


4411 Optimize the display of child plans in Product Summary report.


2821 QA. Click the title of  a case and an error prompts.

2822 Click Case Library and error prompts.

2824 Segment fault in /module/task/view/create.html.php. Line 199行 and Line 151 cause error page.

2831 Privilege name is not the same as that in the menu.

2833 Fix WebHook to support Dingding.


Source Code Package

Official Website SourceForge

One-Click Installation Packages for Linux (unzip to /opt )

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+)

Official Website SourceForge

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu17+ and Centos7.4+)

Official Website SourceForge

  • Linux 64 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-)

Official Website SourceForge

  • Linux 32 bit one-click installation (Ubuntu16- and Centos7.3-)

Official Website SourceForge

PHP package


Installation Manual

Update Manual

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