ZenTao 8.1.3 is released!

2016-03-25 15:33:00
chunsheng wang
Summary : The open source project management system zentao released 8.1 version.

Hello all, the open source project management system ZenTao version 8.1.3 has been released on 03-23-2016

Finished stories

Adjust the style for the cron setting page.

Adjust the style for build and release pages.

Add full screen switcher to the plan stories page.

Add create story link to the plan page.

When computing the developing stage for a story, consier the closed reason of tasks.

Upgrade ZUI to 1.4 version.

Remove the fix data link for module.

Restore the link for desktop notify tools.

Add ip limit feature.

Display the platform or branch info for task.

Adjust the style of email.

Adjust the logic of saving log.

Remove the checking of mysqldump command.

When submit to test, add cc feature.

User can batch unlink story from a project.

Fix the table header when scrolling the table.

Rewrite the select all check box.

Adjust the submit pages for story, task, bug and case.

Adjust the icons for severity and priority.

When mysql crashed, try to check and fix tables.

Adjust the indexes of mysql tables.

Add shortcut hint for next object and previous object.

Try to compress images when GD module enabled in PHP.

Rewrite the common control can commonmodel.

Rewrite the zentaoPHP framework.

Remove unused language items.

Move the codes for report to model.

Rewrite the browse pages.

Fixed bugs:

Fix the error when restore backup files.

Fix the bug of http://ranzhi.5upm.com/story-view-2020.html

Fix the bug in daily reminder email.

Fix the security bug in dao class.

Fix the bug of case run page.


Sourcecode: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/8.1.3/ZenTaoPMS.8.1.3.zip/download
Windows stack: ttp://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/8.1.3/ZenTaoPMS.8.1.3.exe/download
DEB package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/8.1.3/ZenTaoPMS_8.1.3_1_all.deb/download

RPM package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/8.1.3/zentaopms-8.1.3-1.noarch.rpm/download

Linux stack 64: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/8.1.3/ZenTaoPMS.8.1.3.zbox_64.tar.gz/download

Linux stack 32: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/8.1.3/ZenTaoPMS.8.1.3.zbox_32.tar.gz/download


Install: //www.zentao.pm/book/zentaohelp/install.html

Upgrade: //www.zentao.pm/book/zentaohelp/upgrade.html

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