ZenTao 9.6.3 has been released! Bugs are resolved.
- 2017-12-06 17:38:00
- Renee Original
- 5848
ZenTao 9.6.3 has been released! It is mainly about fixing bugs.
Change Log
1312 Once a build is released, the release name displayed rather than the build name in Project->Build.
1303 Fixed xss loophole in doc lib.
1300 Image file is not called in file-read.
1298 Multi-assignee task, Assign error in History.
1313 Account name rather than Real Name in History when clicking Suspend.
1310 Mutiply dropdown menus show if it is multi-platform when submitting a story.
1311 QA-QA list, choose main build when sumitting for QA.
1308 On QA home, click more of Wait, and it jumps to My Dashboard->QA.
1307 Click Close of Rich Text Editor and click Fullscreen. Abonormall display.
1314 Product-Story, can't batch close stories.
1316 Points get from closing a story is different from what is said in Point Rules.
1309 Switch on Test tool in Product-Flow, Multibranch product and build error when choosing branch.
1299 Delete error when creating a Story/Task/Bug/Case with only one file.
1301 Version 9.6.2, Admin-Custom-Point, switch it on and click Save, it keeps refresing the page.
1125 Case lib error when redirecting at the upper right.
1306 List display error in batch action and child menu.
1302 QA-Bug, incomplete display of batch action.
1215 When clicking Download of File, it opens the file.
1296 Project-Task-Search, child task tag is not displayed in list.
1290 Project-View, child task man-hour is double calculated.
1286 QA-Case lib, other product shows at the upper left after importing cases, but imported cases is not affected.
1285 Project-Task-Maintain, click Date and it's partially displayed.
1283 On list page, batch action is overlapped. Optimize it.
1284 Story description and Acceptance on the page of tasks which belongs to Operational Project.
1293 Default value error in Admin-Custom, bug, Status, Resovled, English name.
1292 Child task is not displayed in Assign To Me list when it is assigned to an user.
1257 In Project, report is ok when clicking task report. But it stays the same if switching to other project.
1317 Search error when the value of Plan a story belongs to is null.
1322 Duplicated summary report in QA report.
1297 Multi-assignee task error when transferred.
1291 Version 9.6.2,Hour is 0 when editing mult-assignee task.
1315 Admin-Custom, added field can't be save and kept.
1279 QA tool in Project-Sprint. Once any privilege is changed, the newly added project can't be viewed.
1263 Character error in test case and exported bug Excel file.
1223 On planned stories page, story is not linked to the current plan after creating the story.
1278 Batch Assign is invalid on story list page.
1252 Error in Linked Plan/Project, Decompose Task and Story of multiple platform product.
1294 Single type of data can't be selected when switching lists of story, task, bug and case into advanced forms.
1132 Custom priority is not displayed in task report.
1128 Error in EXCEL Import/Export extension if in QA tool.
1183 When importing bugs, blank lines turn into _x000D_
Source Code Package
One-Click Package for Integrated Runtime
( It is ONLY for first time installation. Do Not download it to upgrade ZenTao.)
Windows 64 bit one-click installation
Windows 32 bit one-click installation
Windows one-click installation(No security Settings)
Linux 32 bit one-click installation
Note:Linux one-click installation package has to be unzipped to /opt.
DEB:use dpkg manager to install in Ubuntu/Debian
RPM:use rpm manager to install in Centos
Install and Upgrade Document

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