For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! Sticky

For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! 51 Testing has published "2022 Software Testing Industry Status Survey Report" in March 2023. Wi...
  2023/04/03   Kelsea   9681

5 Reasons to Move from Jira to ZenTao Sticky

Before we dig down on to consider migration from Jira to ZenTao, let’s start with the basics, for business positions, who might be new to this. We’ll briefly introduce you to Jira, it’s the most popular alternative — ZenTao, and then touch base on the most common reasons, why businesses decided to move from Jira to ZenTao.
  2021/01/27   Maxx Fey   18864

Managing yourself is a key step in management

When an employee is appointed as a front-line manager, he has to accept the real challenge in his career - to do his job well and lead his team well. So, what does it take to be a qualified manager? The author of this article has analyzed this, and I hope it will help you.
2022/11/13   Ray   705

How to build a qualified product vision?

The product vision describes how we imagine the future state of the product. For product teams, the North star that guides their work is the long-term goal they aspire to achieve. More specifically, it shows what problems the product solves, who the target customers are, and what makes the product unique. It also conveys to our stakeholders why our products deserve their support. Realizing the product vision depends on trusting your team and allowing them to use their expertise and creativity to determine the best way to meet users' needs.
2022/11/12   UCPM   533

Internet Project Risk Management

Every project is a big or small battle, and risks are everywhere in project management. If we know what risks will arise, we can prepare in advance, thus greatly improving the delivery rate of our projects.
2022/11/12   Li Hui   747

What Exactly is Being Managed in a Management Program?

Any project needs project management after it starts. The product in different stages has different needs and goals. Reasonable conducting of project management is more conducive to promoting project development; The author of this article shared some new insights about project management. Let's learn about it together.
2022/11/12   ZenTao ALM   1017

Project Management Process for a Product Manager

The project management process is a necessary skill for product managers. A project often contains many complex processes and specific details. So how should product managers do a good job in project management? In this article, the author dismantles the project process and specifically analyzes what product managers should do at each stage, and hopes this article can help product managers who are still confused about this.
2022/11/11   Wu   592

Top Ten Classical Theories of Project Management

The article below will introduce you the top 10 project management principles, which will help you in your project work.
2022/11/11   WANG JING   2609

Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2023

The Gartner Strategic Technology Trends for 2023 revolve around three themes of optimization, scaling, and pioneering technologies that can help organizations optimize resilience, operations, or trustworthiness, scale vertical solutions, and product delivery, and pioneer with new forms of interaction, faster responses, or opportunities.
2022/11/06   Gartner   1767

Exploring the beauty of technology and knowing how it can be built on the cloud

The development of computer hardware and software as the basic platform for technology building is also a journey of pursuing the beauty of technology through abstraction. This contains the inner logic of making development easier and more efficient, as well as the elements and methods of free building, which I believe can provide developers with some new inspiration.
2022/11/06   InfoQ   728

Kubernetes Network Model

This article will discuss the network models in Kubernetes and analyze various network models.
2022/11/05   DevOps Aura International   5056

A new ecology of computing power, with insights into the opportunities and challenges of heterogeneous computing

While computing power is becoming increasingly important, its development faces a contradiction between supply and demand. The industry has put forward various ideas and methods to solve the computing power bottleneck problems, among which heterogeneous computing gradually stands out and is highly anticipated by enterprises and the industry.
2022/11/05   Wan Jia   1185