For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! Sticky

For the eighth year in a row, ZenTao has been awarded the No.1 spot in "Common Test Management Tools"! 51 Testing has published "2022 Software Testing Industry Status Survey Report" in March 2023. Wi...
  2023/04/03   Kelsea   9682

5 Reasons to Move from Jira to ZenTao Sticky

Before we dig down on to consider migration from Jira to ZenTao, let’s start with the basics, for business positions, who might be new to this. We’ll briefly introduce you to Jira, it’s the most popular alternative — ZenTao, and then touch base on the most common reasons, why businesses decided to move from Jira to ZenTao.
  2021/01/27   Maxx Fey   18865

Have you imagined what software engineering will look like in 2023?

Software development in 2035 may be completely different from what it is today. Easy technical conversations can be completed between humans and computers; the use of AI makes testing and evaluation transform into an immersive experience, etc.
2022/10/31   CMU SEI   659

New Technologies for Software Engineering in the Next Decade

To anticipate the future research and development required to support software engineering, we must pay attention to several major emerging technologies for the future of software systems.
2022/10/31   CMU SEI   840

Several Future Trends in Software Systems

To anticipate the future research and development required to support software engineering, we must pay attention to the several major trends of software systems.
2022/10/31   CMU SEI   613

Flow Framework: Implement End-to-End Value Stream Management

Dr. Mik Kersten first proposes Flow Framework in the book "Project to Product". *S*ince then, it has been adopted by IT leaders around the world to bridge the gap between technicians and business stakeholders. The Flow Framework provides methods and glossaries to systematically mitigate and eliminate bottlenecks in software delivery that impact business results.
2022/10/30   Test Ninja   1242

Application and Practice of Kubernetes Events in Monitoring Scenarios

Monitoring is an important part of ensuring system stability. In the Kubernetes open-source ecosystem, resource monitoring tools and components are flourishing. However, resource-based monitoring is not enough. To better understand the internal state of Kubernetes, Kubernetes introduces the Events system, which records changes to Kubernetes resources in the form of events in the APIServer and can be viewed through the API or Kubectl commands.
2022/10/30   Han Tao   1048

ByteDance's Path to Golang Development

This article is compiled from a talk by Ma Chunhui, a senior engineer at ByteDance, at DIVE Global Infrastructure Software Innovation Conference 2022, titled "ByteDance's Path to Golang Development".
2022/10/29   Ma Chunhui   1554

How to cross the financial data value gap from the comprehensive localization of the insurance database?

Data-driven is the basic form of digital transformation for enterprises. The most troubling thing for enterprises today is not the lack of data, but the lack of data utilization; not the lack of understanding of the nature and value of data, but the difficulty in crossing the technology and business gap.
2022/10/29   Gao Yuxian   790

What is CDN? This article will introduce it in detail.

In today's world, the Internet has become inseparable from people's lives, and Internet businesses such as e-commerce, portals, live broadcasts, and games have a wide audience. Behind these services, there is an important role: CDN. This article will introduce CDN's working principle and main technical knowledge points.
2022/10/28   Alex   661

Why is it important to master the business of being your career?

In John Senmetz's masterpiece "Soft Skills: The Software Developer's Life Manual, 2nd Edition", you will get a personal and career development guide full of information and inspiration for those in a state of confusion and anxiety.
2022/10/28   Chen Fei   603

9 Key Metrics for Businesses to Measure the Success of DevOps

Congratulations! You've established a DevOps practice. With the hard work done and DevOps metrics and KPIs in place, you can relax and witness the collaboration between the Dev and Ops teams as they deliver better quality software faster.
2022/10/27   DevOps Aura International   1139