1. About ZenTao Biz
- 1.1 About ZenTao Biz
- 1.2 Get ZenTao Biz
- 2. Installation
- 3. Update and Upgrade
4. Features
- 4.1 Users and Privileges
- 4.2 Gantt Chart
- 4.3 Effort
- 4.4 Repository and Code Review
- 4.5 Calendar
- 4.6 Import/Export MS Excel Files
- 4.7 SMS Notification
- 4.8 DevOps Management
- 4.9 Export MS Word Files
- 4.10 Crystal Report
- 4.11 LDAP authentication
- 4.12 Feedback Management
- 4.13 Summary Report
- 4.14 Document Management
- 4.15 Export a Report
- 4.16. Office Automation
4.17. Workflow
- 4.17.1 Build-in Workflow
- 4.17.2 Workflow Introduction
- 4.17.3 Example: Customize Build-in Workflows
- 4.17.4 Example: Add a Workflow
- 4.17.5 JS and CSS
Feedback Management
- 2018-02-23 10:32:22
- Renee
- 17910
- Last edited by Hongyan on 2023-09-19 14:02:44
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The feedback functionality in ZenTao Biz Edition allows for efficient management of posy-dales service and techical support for delivered products.
You have the option to designate internal staff, such as customer service representatives, as lite(non-R&D) users who can submit customer feedback, questions, and suggestions. Additionally, external members involved in customized projects, such as clients or partners, can also be set as lite(non-R&D) users to submit product-related issues.
Once an issue is submitted, the R&D team can directly respond, convert it into a requirement, or classify it as a bug. This streamlined process ensures effective communication and prompt resolution.
1. Create lite(non-R&D) users
We can create lite users in both the Full Feature Interface and the Operation Management Interface.
To create lite users in the Full Feature Interface, we need to go to Admin - User - Add User, and only tick the box of "Operation Management Interface".
To create lite users in the Operation Management Interface, we need to go to Admin - User - Add User, and only tick the box of "Operation Management Interface".
Then you can find the lite users in the user list.
2. Assign the feedback permission
2.1 Management of permissions for the Operation Management Interface
Go to Operation Management Interface - Admin - Privilege to manage the permission.
2.2 Management of the products that allow feedback submission
Go to Full Feature Interface - Feedback - Setting to configure the products that users are allowed to provide feedback on and specify the responsible person for managing the feedback.
2.3 Management of the users are allowed to provide feedback
Go to Full Feature Interface - Feedback - Setting to configure the authorized users for feedback submission.
Users who are able to provide feedback have default access to all products, but once permissions are assigned for dedicated products, they only have access to the corresponding product permissions.
3. Create feedback
3.1 Feedback module management
Prior to creating feedback, it is advisable for administrators to manage feedback module in Full Feature Interface - Feedback - Feedback List.
Now it's time to create feedback!
3.2 Create feedback
When lite users log in, they can simply click on "Add Feedback" located in the upper right corner of the feedback page to submit their feedback.
Development users can add feedback both in the Full Feature Interface and the Operation Management Interface.
When creating a product, if a feedback manager is specified, any feedback generated will be automatically assigned to the designated feedback manager of that particular product.
- Within the feedback section of the Full Feature Interface, administrators have the ability to directly manage feedback modules.
- If the option to make the feedback public is chosen, users with relevant product permissions will be able to access it.
- Conversely, if the option is not selected, the feedback remains private. In the Operation Management Interface, only the creator of the feedback can view it, while users with corresponding product permissions can access it in the Full Feature Interface.
- By selecting the option to get email notifications, the creator of the feedback will be promptly informed via email about the specific handling of the feedback.
- The available feedback types include: story, epic, task, bug, to-do item, suggestion, issue, risk, and opportunity.
Once feedback is successfully created, it can be easily accessed and viewed in the list page.
The feedback can be managed via the Edit, Close, and Delete buttons located in the right-hand side action bar.
Furthermore, users have the option to filter and view feedback based on specific criteria via the search function. To extract feedback data, simply click on the Export button located in the upper right corner.
On the feedback list, various tags are available, including "Review," "All," and "Public."
3.3 Review feedback
By default, feedback reviews are not activated. If you wish to enable them, you can access the Admin - Feature - Feedback - Feedback Review to turn it on and designate review personnel.
4. Handling feedback
The designated feedback manager has the ability to handle the feedback via the action buttons available in the operation bar, including Reply, Convert to Story, Convert to Epic, Convert to Bug, Convert to Task, Convert to to-do, Close and Delete.
The display of contact information for relevant personnel on the feedback details page aims to streamline communication. This contact information is automatically retrieved from Admin - User.
Feedback can be converted to Ticket, Story, Epic, Task, Bug, and Todo by clicking on "Convert".
4.1 Convert feedback to to-do
In the Full Feature Interface, navigate to the create to-do page by clicking on the 'To To-do' button located in the action bar on the right side of the feedback list.
By default, the feedback label is shown as the title of the to-do. When the feedback is converted into a to-do, it will be automatically marked as closed.
On the feedback details page, you can find all the relevant information about the converted to-do.
4.2 Convert feedback to Bug
Let's use bug conversion as an example to explain the process of converting feedback. The process of converting to requirements and tasks is very similar to converting to bugs.
When feedback is converted to bugs, requirements, or tasks, its status changes from "waiting" to "doing". To mark it as "closed", you need to manually click the close button.
To convert feedback into a bug, simply click the "To Bug" button in the feedback action bar. The bug will inherit the product associated with the feedback, and the user and email information from the feedback will also be synchronized.
Once the conversion to a bug is successful, you can view the bug information on the feedback details page.
The status of the feedback will be updated to "doing".
4.3 Feedback notification
When feedback is created and converted into stories and bugs, if a release is created within the product/project and associated with those stories and bugs, an email notification can be sent to the original feedback submitter.
The following conditions must be met for sending the notification:
- Email notification feature is enabled.
- The feedback submitter's information and email address are provided when submitting the feedback.
- The converted stories and bugs are properly linked to the release within the product/project.
If the created release has not been associated with any stories or bugs yet, the notification button will be grayed out.
Notification can be sent only after the stories and bugs have been linked to the release.
We can send email notifications to feedback submitter and feedback manager.
5. View feedback
Development users have the ability to view feedback using various labels.
Below is the interface for lite users to view feedback:
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