ZenTao 7.2 stable version released!
- 2015-05-25 16:12:00
- chunge Original
- 7492
- Now user can move a module to another product by edit it's product field.
- Sprints and products can be draged to set their order.
- When create affair type task, can select all users by the all button.
- Show plans not out of date when create a story.
- Can control what views can be accessed by a group.
- Add moudle tree at the sprint story list page.
- Can set the products and sprints a group access.
- Check weak passwords for security reason.
- Check administritor's password for some action.
- Can group sprints by product at the all sprints page.
- Adjust the link stories and bugs logic to build.
- Adjust the link stories and bugs logic to plan.
- Use ZUI's chart instead of fushioncharts.
- User can set the flow now: product and sprint or project and sprint.
Fixed bugs
- the file size of backup files error.
- When create case from the story info page, module field not transfered.
Source code: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.2/ZenTaoPMS.7.2.stable.zip/download
Windows strack:http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.2/ZenTaoPMS.7.2.stable.exe/download
Deb package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.2/ZenTaoPMS_7.2.stable_1_all.deb/download
RPM package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.2/zentaopms-7.2.stable-1.noarch.rpm/download
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