ZenTao 7.3 is released! More than 30 improved!

2015-09-21 14:01:00
Summary : ZenTao 7.3 version is released now, with more than thirty improvements.

The ZenTao version 7.3 is released now, with more than 30 improvements!


  • Use chosen plugin for search form, thus user can input some keywords for quick searching.
  • Add pager feature to the sprint story list page.
  • Show numbers in chart.
  • Add batch edit feature for product plan.
  • Add date select shortcut when edit product plan.
  • Adjust the layout of plan, build and release.
  • Replace the swf file in kindeditor for security reason.
  • Show bug's steps directly for tasks converted from bug.
  • Adjust the layout for module copy feature.
  • Check session save path writable or not on linux.
  • Show createdBy, assignedTo, finishedBy fields in task list pages in dashboard.
  • Hide product name for modules if only one product linked to the sprint.
  • Add story create link on story view page.
  • Show account only for deleted users in the sprint team page.
  • Adjust the parse login for bug steps.
  • Change the copyright year in code.
  • Adjust the company dynamic page.
  • Adjust the user dashboard page.
  • Adjust document view page.
  • When import cases, promote user to insert or update.
  • Shrink the file form to only one file default.
  • Adjust the task create form.
  • Adjust the story create form.
  • Adjust the bug create form.
  • Adjust the case create form.
  • Show the begin and end date for plans when displayed in select.
  • Adjust logic for the first day of burn down chart.
  • Remove the logic for guest logout action.
  • When resolve a bug, remove deleted user for assignedTo.
  • Now can export bugs of a sprint.
  • Add ToBeClosed tag for bug list page.
  • Add order field when batch edit sprints.
  • Adjust the crontab logic.
  • User can edit the buildin crontab tasks now.
  • With notice.sendcloud.net service build in.



Sourcecode: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.3/ZenTaoPMS.7.3.stable.zip/download

Windows stack: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.3/ZenTaoPMS.7.3.stable.exe/download

Deb package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.3/ZenTaoPMS_7.3.stable_1_all.deb/download
RPM: http://sourceforge.net/projects/zentao/files/7.3/zentaopms-7.3.stable-1.noarch.rpm/download


Install: //www.zentao.pm/book/zentaohelp/install.html

Upgrade: //www.zentao.pm/book/zentaohelp/upgrade.html

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