1 Download and Upgrade to 15.0+ Series
2 New Features of ZenTao 15 Series
3 Interface Changes of 15 Series
4 Update to the Latest Version
5 Quick Start of 15 Series
6. Basic Application of Version 15
6.1 Beginner
6.2 Add Integrally
6.3 API Library
7. Base On The Roles
7.1. Admin
7.1.1 Edit Departments and Team Members
7.1.2 Edit Users
7.1.3 Edit Privilege
7.2. Program Leader
7.2.1 Create a Program
7.2.2 Link to Products
7.2.3 Create a Project
7.2.4 Manage Staffs
7.2.5 Add a Program Stakeholder
7.3. Product Owner
7.3.1 Create a Product
7.3.2 Edit Modules
7.3.3 Product Multi-branch/Platform Management
7.3.4 Edit Plans
7.3.5 Edit Stories
7.3.6 Review a Story
7.3.7 Create a Release
7.3.8 Tracking Progress
7.4. Project Manager
7.4.1 Edit Projects and Execution
7.4.2 Edit Teams
7.4.3 Link to Stories
7.4.4 Split Tasks
7.4.5 Tracking Progress
7.4.6 Waterfall Project
7.4.7 Kanban Project
7.5. Development Team
7.5.1 Apply for Tasks and Bugs
7.5.2 Update Status
7.5.3 Complete Tasks and Bugs
7.5.4 Submit Codes
7.5.5 The General Kanban, Story Kanban, Bug Kanban, and Task Kanban
7.6. Test Team
7.6.1 Edit Users' Case
7.6.2 Execute Users' Case
7.6.3 Submit a Bug
7.6.4 Test and Close a Bug
8. DevOps Features
8.1 Git/SVN Repository Management and Viewing Code
8.2. Integrate GitLab
8.2.1 Integrate GitLab, Bind Users, Link to Issues and Create a Build
8.2.2 Integrate GitLab and Submit the Merge Requests
8.2.3 GitLab Privilege in ZenTao
8.3 Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build
8.4 Integrate SonarQube
9 General Kanban
10. Backstage Settings of Version 15
10.1 Desktop
10.2 Model
10.3 Custom
10.4. Message
10.4.1 Mail
10.4.2 Webhook
10.4.3 Browser
10.4.4 Settings
10.5 Extension
10.6 Secondary Development
10.7 System
10.8 Import Jira Data
10.9 Registration Menu and Privilege
11. Privileges Management and Access Control of Version 15
11.1 Privileges Management and Access Control for Programs
11.2 Privileges Management and Access Control for Products
11.3 Privileges Management and Access Control for Projects
11.4 Privileges Management and Access Control for Executions
11.5 Access Control and Data Relationships for Projects and Executions

Privileges Management and Access Control for Executions

2022-02-10 13:30:00
Last edited by WANG JING on 2022-02-10 13:30:37
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Summary : This document will mainly introduce the privileges management and access control system of the execution.

Privileges Management and Access Control 

Whether an execution can be accessed is determined by the execution's privilege and access control.

This document will mainly introduce the privileges management and access control system of the execution.

1、Privileges Management of Execution

All privilege management of ZenTao is maintained under the "Admin" - "Member" - "Privilege".

Privileges of execution can be operated through privilege management and sight management.

1)、Privilege Management

Click the operating buttons the right side of the "Admin" - "Member" - "Privilege" to enter the privileges management page.

The privilege management page of the execution sight: checked to assign permissions, unchecked it to not assign permissions. 

2)、Sight Management

Sight management privilege is a supplement to privilege management, which can quickly narrow the scope of privilege.

In other words, the sight management privilege provides a switch.

  • Open (checked): You need to assign the relevant privileges of the execution in the privilege management before you can actually access the execution.
  • Off (unchecked): Execution cannot be accessed even if the related privileges of the execution are assigned in privilege management.

Click the "Manage Sight" button on the right side of the "Admin" - "Member" - "Privilege" to enter the sight management privilege page.

Sight management permission page of execution

Viewable dynamic items for assignment execution

2、Access Control of Product

The access control of the execution includes Private, Inherited Execution ACL, and Whitelist.

  • Private: for team members and execution stakeholders.
  • Inherited Execution ACL: for who can access the current execution.
  • Whitelist: Users in the whitelist can access it.

When creating an execution, the default access control is private, and a whitelist of users can be set under private. 

Access control is inherited execution ACL

The whitelist of executions can be added when creating and editing executions, or can be added and removed directly from the execution whitelist.

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