1 Download and Upgrade to 15.0+ Series
2 New Features of ZenTao 15 Series
3 Interface Changes of 15 Series
4 Update to the Latest Version
5 Quick Start of 15 Series
6. Basic Application of Version 15
6.1 Beginner
6.2 Add Integrally
6.3 API Library
7. Base On The Roles
7.1. Admin
7.1.1 Edit Departments and Team Members
7.1.2 Edit Users
7.1.3 Edit Privilege
7.2. Program Leader
7.2.1 Create a Program
7.2.2 Link to Products
7.2.3 Create a Project
7.2.4 Manage Staffs
7.2.5 Add a Program Stakeholder
7.3. Product Owner
7.3.1 Create a Product
7.3.2 Edit Modules
7.3.3 Product Multi-branch/Platform Management
7.3.4 Edit Plans
7.3.5 Edit Stories
7.3.6 Review a Story
7.3.7 Create a Release
7.3.8 Tracking Progress
7.4. Project Manager
7.4.1 Edit Projects and Execution
7.4.2 Edit Teams
7.4.3 Link to Stories
7.4.4 Split Tasks
7.4.5 Tracking Progress
7.4.6 Waterfall Project
7.4.7 Kanban Project
7.5. Development Team
7.5.1 Apply for Tasks and Bugs
7.5.2 Update Status
7.5.3 Complete Tasks and Bugs
7.5.4 Submit Codes
7.5.5 The General Kanban, Story Kanban, Bug Kanban, and Task Kanban
7.6. Test Team
7.6.1 Edit Users' Case
7.6.2 Execute Users' Case
7.6.3 Submit a Bug
7.6.4 Test and Close a Bug
8. DevOps Features
8.1 Git/SVN Repository Management and Viewing Code
8.2. Integrate GitLab
8.2.1 Integrate GitLab, Bind Users, Link to Issues and Create a Build
8.2.2 Integrate GitLab and Submit the Merge Requests
8.2.3 GitLab Privilege in ZenTao
8.3 Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build
8.4 Integrate SonarQube
9 General Kanban
10. Backstage Settings of Version 15
10.1 Desktop
10.2 Model
10.3 Custom
10.4. Message
10.4.1 Mail
10.4.2 Webhook
10.4.3 Browser
10.4.4 Settings
10.5 Extension
10.6 Secondary Development
10.7 System
10.8 Import Jira Data
10.9 Registration Menu and Privilege
11. Privileges Management and Access Control of Version 15
11.1 Privileges Management and Access Control for Programs
11.2 Privileges Management and Access Control for Products
11.3 Privileges Management and Access Control for Projects
11.4 Privileges Management and Access Control for Executions
11.5 Access Control and Data Relationships for Projects and Executions

New Features of ZenTao 15 Series

2022-01-19 21:09:31
Last edited by Hongyan on 2022-04-20 14:43:17
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New Features of ZenTao 15 Series

We have upgraded the management concept in ZenTao 15 series and optimized the interface to provide a better user experience:

  • The concept of Program is built in. Users can sort out the company's strategy through the infinite-level structure of Program> Sub-Program > Project to better control the overall company's projects and progress.
  • The concept of Execution is built in. Development teams can access Sprint/Iteration associated quickly.
  • The concept of Management Model is built in. Now we have the Scrum model and Waterfall model built in. (Provided in ZenTao Max Series)
  • Provides a new navigation interaction system. A new interactive experience of left application navigation and multi-application switching. 

Next, we will introduce the new features and changes of ZenTao 15 series in detail.

Program is newly added

Program is a set of interrelated and coordinated projects that are located at the highest level and is a concept of strategy.


It can help proceed with the multi-level project management and help managers to formulate strategic directions and allocate resources from a macro perspective.


At the same time, it supports hierarchical authorization. Program, Sub-Program, and Project can be isolated from each other through the authorized privilege.


As shown in the picture below, Program is located at the highest level, one or more Sub-Programs, Products, and Projects can be managed under it, but Product can only be linked to the top-level Program.

The Program list page in ZenTao 15 series:

Click Program name in the Program List to view the information of Product, Project, Team Member (Staffs Investment, Staffs Accessible, White-list), Stakeholder.

You can directly view the data and progress of the Project and Product in the list.

Changes in the concept of Project

Project is a campaign-level concept that completes the various work of a project within the specified time, budget, and quality objectives.

Project in ZenTao 15 series has significant differences from the previous series. A Project in previous versions represented a specific Sprint/Iteration, whereas, in 15 series it contains several Sprints/Iterations.

If it's upgraded in the New Program Management Mode, the Project in the previous series will be converted into Iteration/Sprint (Execution) in 15 series.

If it's upgraded according to the usage habits of the previous series, the Project concept will keep the same as before. 

The Project in the 15 series:

Execution is newly added

The concept and function modules of Execution are newly added in ZenTao 15 series. Sprint/Iteration in the Project is managed under Execution.

As far as the Sprint/Iteration under Project, the overall situation and progress of the project can be clearly and globally viewed.

As far as the Sprint/Iteration under Execution, the development team can quickly and directly view the Sprint/Iteration that they have participated in.

The relationship between Project and Execution

The Sprint/Iteration of a project can be specifically managed under Execution. Execution lists all Sprints/Iterations under all Projects.


In other words, Execution shares the pressure of Project Modules. Sprint/Iteration of the project can be managed separately in Execution.


Requirement, Version, Use Case, Bug, and Test Report under Execution will be displayed in the corresponding Project synchronously. Execution can only link to the products associated with the project to which it belongs.

The Requirement of Execution can be linked from the Project Requirement List. If the project has no associated Product Requirements, Execution can be developed directly from the associated requirements under its associated product.

A brand new navigation system

The primary navigation is adjusted to the left. Both the primary navigation and secondary navigation are packed. The navigation structure is more reasonable and noticeable.


It supports opening multiple applications at the same time. Users only need to click to switch other applications in the status bar, and then they can return to the page where the application stayed last time, avoiding the embarrassment of opening multiple pages.


The left navigation can be folded to only show the navigation icons.

Adjustment of other functional modules

What's more, other functional modules are tweaked in 15 series.

  • The homepage of the previous version has been adjusted to Dashboard;
  • Some adjustments to the Dashboard blocks;
  • The secondary navigation and content of each functional module are tweaked.

We will discuss the details in the next article.

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