1 Download and Upgrade to 15.0+ Series
2 New Features of ZenTao 15 Series
3 Interface Changes of 15 Series
4 Update to the Latest Version
5 Quick Start of 15 Series
6. Basic Application of Version 15
6.1 Beginner
6.2 Add Integrally
6.3 API Library
7. Base On The Roles
7.1. Admin
7.1.1 Edit Departments and Team Members
7.1.2 Edit Users
7.1.3 Edit Privilege
7.2. Program Leader
7.2.1 Create a Program
7.2.2 Link to Products
7.2.3 Create a Project
7.2.4 Manage Staffs
7.2.5 Add a Program Stakeholder
7.3. Product Owner
7.3.1 Create a Product
7.3.2 Edit Modules
7.3.3 Product Multi-branch/Platform Management
7.3.4 Edit Plans
7.3.5 Edit Stories
7.3.6 Review a Story
7.3.7 Create a Release
7.3.8 Tracking Progress
7.4. Project Manager
7.4.1 Edit Projects and Execution
7.4.2 Edit Teams
7.4.3 Link to Stories
7.4.4 Split Tasks
7.4.5 Tracking Progress
7.4.6 Waterfall Project
7.4.7 Kanban Project
7.5. Development Team
7.5.1 Apply for Tasks and Bugs
7.5.2 Update Status
7.5.3 Complete Tasks and Bugs
7.5.4 Submit Codes
7.5.5 The General Kanban, Story Kanban, Bug Kanban, and Task Kanban
7.6. Test Team
7.6.1 Edit Users' Case
7.6.2 Execute Users' Case
7.6.3 Submit a Bug
7.6.4 Test and Close a Bug
8. DevOps Features
8.1 Git/SVN Repository Management and Viewing Code
8.2. Integrate GitLab
8.2.1 Integrate GitLab, Bind Users, Link to Issues and Create a Build
8.2.2 Integrate GitLab and Submit the Merge Requests
8.2.3 GitLab Privilege in ZenTao
8.3 Integrate Jenkins and Create a Build
8.4 Integrate SonarQube
9 General Kanban
10. Backstage Settings of Version 15
10.1 Desktop
10.2 Model
10.3 Custom
10.4. Message
10.4.1 Mail
10.4.2 Webhook
10.4.3 Browser
10.4.4 Settings
10.5 Extension
10.6 Secondary Development
10.7 System
10.8 Import Jira Data
10.9 Registration Menu and Privilege
11. Privileges Management and Access Control of Version 15
11.1 Privileges Management and Access Control for Programs
11.2 Privileges Management and Access Control for Products
11.3 Privileges Management and Access Control for Projects
11.4 Privileges Management and Access Control for Executions
11.5 Access Control and Data Relationships for Projects and Executions

Import Jira Data

2022-03-01 15:18:09
Last edited by Hongyan on 2022-05-13 14:45:48
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Import Jira Data

We support importing Jira data since ZenTao 16.4.


This feature is only available to super administrators for safety reasons.


Please make sure to back up the database and attachments for both ZenTao and Jira before importing the data.


Before starting the import, you need to map Jira to ZenTao.


Importing workflows from Jira is not available for now.


Jira data can't be imported if the PHP version is below 5.6 due to the low performance for processing imported data.


The import process will take a while, please wait patiently.

1. Steps for Importing Jira Data

  1. Export the Jira database if it uses MySQL database; export Jira's XML format files if it uses a non-MySQL database; export Jira's attachment.
  2. Back up the database of ZenTao. Post a reminder of preparing for Jira data import, don't let others use ZenTao during the import process.
  3. The super administrator goes to More - Admin - System - Import Jira, and then selects the import method: Import from database or Import from file.
  4. Follow the prompts to place Jira data, attachments, and files into the specified directory, and make sure the directory has permissions.
  5. Follow the prompts to map Jira to ZenTao: objects, relates, resolution, status, user password and privilege grouping.
  6. Once finishing all the settings, click Import Data.

Entrance to the Import Jira:

We can see that there are 2 methods to import Jira:

  • Import from Database (Supported only for Jira users using MySQL databases)
  • Import from File (Supported for all Jira users)

Import from Database:

Please follow the prompts to place the files and attachments in the specified location.

Import from file:

You need to create a jirafile folder in ZenTao's tmp directory, and make sure that the jirafile folder has directory read and write permissions.

2. Map Jira to ZenTao

Because there are risks in the process of importing data, please kindly make a database backup before importing.


We made the import program into multiple executions in order to respond to the large amount of data in Jira. Meanwhile, processing a small amount of data in each execution. The import process consumes a large amount of memory. So please try to ensure that no users access ZenTao during the import process.


In addition to importing Jira data, it's also needed to import Jira attachments, so please place the Jira attachments in the specified location on the server.


Next, import Jira database into the MySQL used by ZenTao, and then enter the name of the Jira database imported into MySQL on the page to proceed to the next step.


If all the above operations go well, click Next to go to the page for mapping Jira to ZenTao. Please follow the prompts to set the map. If you leave the map blank, the data under that type in Jira will not be recognized nor imported into the ZenTao.

2.1 Jira Issues and ZenTao Objects

Map Jira issues to ZenTao objects. The ZenTao objects include User Requirement, Software Requirement, Task, and Bug.


Click Next after finishing the settings.

2.2 Jira Relates and ZenTao Link Type

Map Jira Relates to ZenTao Link Type. The ZenTao Link Types include Relates, Duplicate, Parent-Child Task, and Parent-Child Story. 

2.3 Jira Resolution and ZenTao Resolution

Map Jira resolution to ZenTao resolution and ZenTao story closed reason.

2.4 Jira Status and ZenTao Status

Map Jira status to ZenTao status, Zentao story stage, Zentao task status, and Zentao bug status.

Because Jira issues, relate, resolution, and status are customized, we need to set mapping of relationships before import. Leave it blank if you don't want the data imported to ZenTao. The pages for setting map are similar, so just choose according to your actual situation. After all the mapping is completed, click Next to set Jira user.

2.5 Jira User

Set the password and privilege group for Jira users.


Because the encryption algorithm for user passwords in ZenTao is different from Jira, we need to set the default passwords and privilege groups for the imported users. 

After the password and privilege groups are set, click Next to the final page.

2.6 Start Import

Click Start. The import process will take some time, please wait patiently.

There will be a prompt "Data Import Complete" once all the data is imported successfully.

The second import method "Import from File" is similar to "Import from Database" above, not to be repeated here.


All the best with the data import, and welcome to ZenTao world!

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