1. ZenTao API development guides
- 1.1 Configuration and FAQ
- 1.2 Examples of the calling SDK
1.3. Department interface
- 1.3.1 Get the department list
- 1.3.2 Batch create departments
1.4. User interface
- 1.4.1 Get patameters of adding users
- 1.4.2 Add a single user
- 1.4.3 Get the user list
- 1.5. Product interface
- 1.6. Project interface
- 1.7. Task interface
- 1.8. Bug interface
2. ZenTao API documents (V1.0)
2.1. Token
- 2.1.1 Get Token
2.2. Department
- 2.2.1 Get the department list
- 2.2.2 Get department details
2.3. User
- 2.3.1 Access to my profile
- 2.3.2 Get the user list
- 2.3.3 Get user information
- 2.3.4 Edit user information
- 2.3.5 Delete users
- 2.3.6 Create users
2.4. Program
- 2.4.1 Get the program list
- 2.4.2 Edit programs
- 2.4.3 Access to program details
- 2.4.4 Delete programs
- 2.4.5 Create programs
2.5. Product
- 2.5.1 Get the product list
- 2.5.2 Create products
- 2.5.3 Get product details
- 2.5.4 Edit products
- 2.5.5 Delete products
2.6. Product plan
- 2.6.1 Get the list of product plans
- 2.6.2 Create plans
- 2.6.3 Get plan details
- 2.6.4 Edit plans
- 2.6.5 Delete plans
- 2.6.6 Link the stories to the product plan
- 2.6.7 Cancel the link between the product plans and stories
- 2.6.8 Link the bugs to the product plan
- 2.6.9 Cancel the link between the product plan and bugs
- 2.7. Release
2.8. Story
- 2.8.1 Get the story list of product
- 2.8.2 Get the story list of project
- 2.8.3 Get the story list of execution
- 2.8.4 Create story
- 2.8.5 Get story details
- 2.8.6 Change a story
- 2.8.7 Change some other fileds of story
- 2.8.8 Delete a story
2.9. Project
- 2.9.1 Get project list
- 2.9.2 Create a project
- 2.9.3 Get project details
- 2.9.4 Modify a project
- 2.9.5 Delete a project
2.10. Build
- 2.10.1 Get the build list of project
- 2.10.2 Get the build list of execution
- 2.10.3 Create a build
- 2.10.4 Get build details
- 2.10.5 Modify a build
- 2.10.6 Delete a build
2.11. Execution
- 2.11.1 Get the execution list of project
- 2.11.2 Create execution
- 2.11.3 Check the details of execution
- 2.11.4 Modify execution
- 2.11.5 Delete execution
2.12. Task
- 2.12.1 Get the task list of execution
- 2.12.2 Create task
- 2.12.3 Get task details
- 2.12.4 Modify task
- 2.12.5 Delete task
- 2.12.6 Start task
- 2.12.7 Suspend task
- 2.12.8 Continue task
- 2.12.9 Finish task
2.13. Bug
- 2.13.1 Get the bug list of product
- 2.13.2 Create bug
- 2.13.3 Get bug details
- 2.13.4 Modify bug
- 2.13.5 Delete bug
2.14. Use case
- 2.14.1 Get use case list of product
- 2.14.2 Create use case
- 2.14.3 Get use case details
- 2.14.4 Modify test case
- 2.14.5 Delete test case
- 2.14.6 Run test case
2.15. Test request
- 2.15.1 Get test request list
- 2.15.2 Get the test request of project
- 2.15.3 Get the details of test reuqest
2.16. Feedback
- 2.16.1 Create feedback
- 2.16.2 Assign feedback
- 2.16.3 Close feedback
- 2.16.4 Delete feedback
- 2.16.5 Modify feedback
- 2.16.6 Get feedback details
- 2.16.7 Get feedback list
2.17. Ticket
- 2.17.1 Get the ticket list
- 2.17.2 Get the ticket details
- 2.17.3 Modify a ticket
- 2.17.4 Create a ticket
- 2.17.5 Delete a ticket
2.1. Token
3. Customized development
- 3.1 Secondary development mechanism
- 3.2 The directory structure of ZenTao
- 3.3 Find your target file to be modified
- 3.4 The database structure of ZenTao
- 3.5 Public module - common
- 3.6 How to register on menu
- 3.7 How to register on permission
- 3.8 Example: how to modify the prompt
- 3.9 Example: priority field setting when creating bugs
- 3.10 The online extension editor
- 3.11 Secondary development editor and translation function restrictions instructions
- 3.12 ZenTao project management software packaging specification (V1.1)
Create task
- 2023-01-04 16:42:36
- Jing Wang
- 1232
- Last edited by WANG JING on 2023-01-04 18:00:05
- Share links
Create Task
1. Request Header
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Token | String | Yes | Authentication Token |
2. Request Payload
Name | Type | Required | Description |
module | int | No | Affiliated Module |
story | int | No | Related Stories |
fromBug | int | No | From the Bug |
name | string | Yes | Task Name |
type | string | Yes | Task Type (design | devel | request | test | study | discuss | ui | affair | misc) |
assignedTo | array | Yes | Assigned to |
pri | int | No | Priority |
estimate | float | No | Estimated Work Hours |
estStarted | date | Yes | Estimated Start Date |
deadline | date | Yes | Estimated End Date |
openedBy | Yes | Created by | |
openedDate | datetime | Yes | Creation Time |
3. Request Example
"name": "testtt",
"assignedTo": [ "admin" ],
"type": "devel",
"estStarted": "2021-12-01",
"deadline": "2021-12-31"
4. Request Response
Name | Type | Required | Description |
id | int | Yes | Task ID |
project | int | Yes | Affiliated Task |
parent | int | Yes | Parent Task |
execution | int | Yes | Affiliated Execution |
module | int | Yes | Affiliated Module |
story | int | Yes | Related Stories |
fromBug | int | Yes | From the Bug |
name | string | Yes | Task Name |
type | string | Yes | Task Type (design | devel | request | test | study | discuss | ui | affair | misc) |
pri | int | Yes | Priority |
estimate | float | Yes | Estimated Work Hours |
consumed | float | Yes | Consumed Work Hours |
left | float | Yes | Remaining Work Hours |
deadline | date | Yes | Estimated End Date |
status | string | Yes | Status (Not Started | In Progress | Completed | Closed | Canceled) |
desc | string | Yes | Task Description |
openedBy | Yes | Created by | |
openedDate | datetime | Yes | Creation Date |
assignedTo | Yes | Assigned to | |
assignedDate | datetime | Yes | Assigned Time |
estStarted | date | Yes | Estimated Start Date |
realStarted | datetime | No | Actual Start Time |
finishedBy | string | No | Finished by |
finishedDate | datetime | No | Finished at |
closedBy | No | Closed by | |
closedDate | datetime | No | Closed at |
team | array | Yes | Teams, applied to multi-person tasks |
5. Response Example
"id": 23,
"project": 12,
"parent": 0,
"execution": 55,
"module": 0,
"design": 0,
"story": 0,
"storyVersion": 1,
"designVersion": 0,
"fromBug": 0,
"name": "testttt",
"type": "devel",
"pri": 0,
"estimate": 0,
"consumed": 0,
"left": 0,
"deadline": "2021-12-31",
"status": "wait",
"subStatus": "",
"color": "",
"mailto": null,
"desc": "",
"version": 1,
"openedBy": {
"id": 1,
"account": "admin",
"avatar": "",
"realname": "administrator"
"openedDate": "2021-12-05T12:54:30Z",
"assignedTo": {
"id": 1,
"account": "admin",
"avatar": "",
"realname": "administrator"
"assignedDate": "2021-12-05T12:54:30Z",
"estStarted": "2021-12-01",
"realStarted": null,
"finishedBy": null,
"finishedDate": null,
"finishedList": "",
"canceledBy": null,
"canceledDate": null,
"closedBy": null,
"closedDate": null,
"planDuration": 0,
"realDuration": 0,
"closedReason": "",
"lastEditedBy": null,
"lastEditedDate": null,
"activatedDate": "",
"deleted": false,
"storyID": null,
"storyTitle": null,
"latestStoryVersion": null,
"storyStatus": null,
"assignedToRealName": "administrator",
"children": [],
"team": [],
"files": [],
"needConfirm": false,
"progress": 0
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