1. ZenTao API development guides
- 1.1 Configuration and FAQ
- 1.2 Examples of the calling SDK
1.3. Department interface
- 1.3.1 Get the department list
- 1.3.2 Batch create departments
1.4. User interface
- 1.4.1 Get patameters of adding users
- 1.4.2 Add a single user
- 1.4.3 Get the user list
- 1.5. Product interface
- 1.6. Project interface
- 1.7. Task interface
- 1.8. Bug interface
2. ZenTao API documents (V1.0)
2.1. Token
- 2.1.1 Get Token
2.2. Department
- 2.2.1 Get the department list
- 2.2.2 Get department details
2.3. User
- 2.3.1 Access to my profile
- 2.3.2 Get the user list
- 2.3.3 Get user information
- 2.3.4 Edit user information
- 2.3.5 Delete users
- 2.3.6 Create users
2.4. Program
- 2.4.1 Get the program list
- 2.4.2 Edit programs
- 2.4.3 Access to program details
- 2.4.4 Delete programs
- 2.4.5 Create programs
2.5. Product
- 2.5.1 Get the product list
- 2.5.2 Create products
- 2.5.3 Get product details
- 2.5.4 Edit products
- 2.5.5 Delete products
2.6. Product plan
- 2.6.1 Get the list of product plans
- 2.6.2 Create plans
- 2.6.3 Get plan details
- 2.6.4 Edit plans
- 2.6.5 Delete plans
- 2.6.6 Link the stories to the product plan
- 2.6.7 Cancel the link between the product plans and stories
- 2.6.8 Link the bugs to the product plan
- 2.6.9 Cancel the link between the product plan and bugs
- 2.7. Release
2.8. Story
- 2.8.1 Get the story list of product
- 2.8.2 Get the story list of project
- 2.8.3 Get the story list of execution
- 2.8.4 Create story
- 2.8.5 Get story details
- 2.8.6 Change a story
- 2.8.7 Change some other fileds of story
- 2.8.8 Delete a story
2.9. Project
- 2.9.1 Get project list
- 2.9.2 Create a project
- 2.9.3 Get project details
- 2.9.4 Modify a project
- 2.9.5 Delete a project
2.10. Build
- 2.10.1 Get the build list of project
- 2.10.2 Get the build list of execution
- 2.10.3 Create a build
- 2.10.4 Get build details
- 2.10.5 Modify a build
- 2.10.6 Delete a build
2.11. Execution
- 2.11.1 Get the execution list of project
- 2.11.2 Create execution
- 2.11.3 Check the details of execution
- 2.11.4 Modify execution
- 2.11.5 Delete execution
2.12. Task
- 2.12.1 Get the task list of execution
- 2.12.2 Create task
- 2.12.3 Get task details
- 2.12.4 Modify task
- 2.12.5 Delete task
- 2.12.6 Start task
- 2.12.7 Suspend task
- 2.12.8 Continue task
- 2.12.9 Finish task
2.13. Bug
- 2.13.1 Get the bug list of product
- 2.13.2 Create bug
- 2.13.3 Get bug details
- 2.13.4 Modify bug
- 2.13.5 Delete bug
2.14. Use case
- 2.14.1 Get use case list of product
- 2.14.2 Create use case
- 2.14.3 Get use case details
- 2.14.4 Modify test case
- 2.14.5 Delete test case
- 2.14.6 Run test case
2.15. Test request
- 2.15.1 Get test request list
- 2.15.2 Get the test request of project
- 2.15.3 Get the details of test reuqest
2.16. Feedback
- 2.16.1 Create feedback
- 2.16.2 Assign feedback
- 2.16.3 Close feedback
- 2.16.4 Delete feedback
- 2.16.5 Modify feedback
- 2.16.6 Get feedback details
- 2.16.7 Get feedback list
2.17. Ticket
- 2.17.1 Get the ticket list
- 2.17.2 Get the ticket details
- 2.17.3 Modify a ticket
- 2.17.4 Create a ticket
- 2.17.5 Delete a ticket
2.1. Token
3. Customized development
- 3.1 Secondary development mechanism
- 3.2 The directory structure of ZenTao
- 3.3 Find your target file to be modified
- 3.4 The database structure of ZenTao
- 3.5 Public module - common
- 3.6 How to register on menu
- 3.7 How to register on permission
- 3.8 Example: how to modify the prompt
- 3.9 Example: priority field setting when creating bugs
- 3.10 The online extension editor
- 3.11 Secondary development editor and translation function restrictions instructions
- 3.12 ZenTao project management software packaging specification (V1.1)
Secondary development editor and translation function restrictions instructions
- 2022-12-21 13:29:03
- Kelsea
- 1076
- Last edited by Hongyan on 2023-01-09 11:14:57
- Share links
Note: Starting from ZenTao 11.7, the editor and translation functions of the secondary development have been taken out as plug-ins because of security considerations.
Please feel free to download at ZenTao website - Product - Marketplace.
Download link: https://www.zentao.pm/extension-viewExt-51.html
Starting from ZenTao 11.6, Admin - Develop - Editor and Admin - Translation function can be only accessed under port number due to security concerns.
The following is a brief explanation of how to use the edit and translation functions of the secondary development.
1. For ZenTao one-click install packs
You can directly login to the machine where ZenTao is installed and use port number to access ZenTao, then you can go to Admin - Develop - Editor and Admin - Translation to access and use the feature normally.
2. For ZenTao server on Windows system
You can log in to the ZenTao server remotely, and use port number to access ZenTao on the browser on ZenTao server
This way you can go to Admin - Develop - Editor and Admin - Translation to access and use the feature normally.
3. For ZenTao server on Linux system
For ZenTao server on a Linux system, even if the address to access ZenTao is number, it won't be judged as number, it's because of port forwarding or bridging connections, and the functions of Admin - Develop - Editor and Admin - Translation cannot be used.
But it's possible to use the SSH tunnel of the editor to access ZenTao, so that you can access Admin - Develop - Editor and Admin - Translation via number.
3.1 Connecting to the ZenTao server host
In the editor, open the ZenTao server host that needs to be connected, and click Properties.
3.2 Set up an SSH tunnel connection
For the target port, please fill in the port number used when accessing ZenTao. Click OK when the setting is done.
Then click the button Connect below.
Note: When setting up SSH tunnel connection, if the editor has already connected to this server before, please disconnect first before setting up.
3.3 Access to ZenTao
The previous address for accessing ZenTao is , after setting up the SSH tunnel connection, ZenTao will be accessed at . The port number should be changed to the listening port when setting up the SSH tunnel connection.
In this way, the functions of translation and second development editor can be used properly.
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