Lampp Installation in Linux
- 2018-01-04 10:47:37
- Renee
- 14665
- Last edited by Hongyan on 2021-12-29 09:12:35
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It is challenging for some users to deploy Apache, MySQL, and PHP runtime in Linux for ZenTao, especially for rookies whose employers demand using Linux while they do not know much about it. Choosing the Lampp installation package would be an easier option for you.
1. Download the Lampp package. You can choose the version of PHP according to your own needs, but PHP7, PHP7.1, PHP7.2 are recommended.
64 bit PHP 7.0:
32 bit PHP 5.4:
2. Copy Lampp package to /opt/ and run chmod a+rx *.run. Add run priviledge and execute ./ ./ Unzip it, a directory /opt/lampp/ will be generated.
3. Start the service.
Start: /opt/lampp/lampp start
Stop: /opt/lampp/lampp stop
Restart: /opt/lampp/lampp restart
4. Install the open-source version of ZenTao
Unzip ZenTao installation package, and
zentaopms folder is generated. Put it to /opt/lampp/htdocs/
5. Use a browser to visit ip:
port/zentaopms/www/install.php and install ZenTao following the instructions.
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