1. Introduction
1.1 About ZenTao
1.2 Introduction PDF
1.3 Technical Support
1.4 Follow Us
2. Installation
2.1 Choose the Right Installation
2.2 ZenTao Cloud
2.3 One-click Installation for Windows
2.4 One-click Installation for Linux
2.5 Lampp Installation in Linux
2.6 Source Code Installation (for all systems)
2.7 Source Code Installation for macOS
2.8 XAMPP-VM Installation for macOS
2.9 XAMPP Installation for macOS
2.10 Install ZenTao in Docker
2.11 Install httpd, Mariadb, PHP 7.2 in Cent OS 8
2.12 Softaculous Service
2.13 Install Ioncube
3. Update
3.1 Update ZenTao
3.2 Update Via Source Code (For All Systems)
3.3 Update for One-Click Installation for Windows (xampp)
3.4 Update for One-Click Installation for Linux
4. Users and Groups
4.1 Company Structure
4.2 Add a User
4.3 Manage Users in batches
4.4 Groups and Privileges
5. Quick Start
5.1 Project and Task Management
5.2 Bug Tracking
5.3 Product Management
5.4 Todo Management
6. Basic Application
6.1 Basic Workflow
6.2 Agile and Scrum
6.3 ZenTao and Scrum
6.4 ZenTao Tutorial for Rookies
6.5 Create a Product
6.6 Create a Story
6.7 Create a Project
6.8 Confirm a Story
6.9 Decompose Stories into Tasks
6.10 Report a Bug
6.11 Manage Contacts
6.12 Customization
6.13 Import Excel, CSV Files
6.14 Document Management
6.15 Work Mode
6.16 Points
6.17 Required Field
6.18 Privileges
6.19 Annual Work Summary
7. Advanced Application
7.1. Workflow
7.1.1 ZenTao Workflow
7.2. Individual management
7.2.1 My Todo
7.2.2 My Task, Story and Bug
7.2.3 My Profile
7.3. Product Owner
7.3.1 Manage a Product
7.3.2 Manage a Product Line
7.3.3 Create and Review a Story
7.3.4 Change and Review a Story
7.3.5 Status and Phase
7.3.6 Story Writing
7.3.7 Product Module
7.3.8 Release Plan
7.3.9 Create a Release
7.3.10 Roadmap
7.3.11 Documents
7.3.12 Planning Meetings
7.3.13 Daily Scrum, Review and Retrospective Meetings
7.3.14 Story Reports
7.4. Scrum Master
7.4.1 Create a Sprint
7.4.2 Set a Team
7.4.3 Confirm a Story
7.4.4 Task Breakdown
7.4.5 Daily Standup Meetings
7.4.6 Check Project Progress via Burndown Chart
7.4.7 Check Project Progress via Lists
7.4.8 Review and Retrospective Meetings
7.4.9 Basic reports on tasks
7.5. Development Team
7.5.1 Project planning meeting and task breakdown
7.5.2 Claim tasks and update efforts
7.5.3 Kanban and Tree Diagram
7.5.4 Build
7.5.5 Test Request
7.5.6 Resolve a Bug
7.5.7 Documents
7.5.8 Confirm Bugs
7.6. Test Team
7.6.1 Bug Tracking
7.6.2 Report a Bug
7.6.3 Verify and Close a Bug
7.6.4 Activate a Bug
7.6.5 Find a Bug
7.6.6 Test Case
7.6.7 Create and Review Test Cases
7.6.8 Test Suites, Public Case Libs and Reports
7.6.9 Manage Test Requests
7.6.10 Run Cases and Report Bugs
7.6.11 Reports
8. Configuration
8.1. Maintain ZenTao
8.1.1 Initialize scripts
8.1.2 Data Backup
8.1.3 Recover the Deleted
8.1.4 Update Burndown Charts
8.1.5 ZenTao Remote Host
8.2. Deploy ZenTao
8.2.1 Guest Login
8.2.2 Email Notification
8.2.3 Set Super Admin
8.2.4 Static Access
8.2.5 Remove "zentao" from URL
8.2.6 Integrate SVN
8.2.7 Integrate Git
8.2.8 Integrate Webhook
8.2.9 Integrate Xuan.im
8.2.10 Integrate Zdoo
8.2.11 Integrate Third-Party Apps
8.2.12 Password-Free Login
8.2.13 Translation Add-on
8.2.14 Integrate Jenkins
8.2.15 Extension
8.2.16 Fix Weak Password
9. Customization
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Directory
9.3 Find Codes
9.4 Database Structure
9.5 Common Modules
9.6 Add Features to Menu
9.7 Set Privileges to Modules
9.8 Examples: modify language prompt
9.9 Examples: set priority when creating bugs
9.10 Extension Editor
9.11 Feature Limitation
9.12 ZenTao Packaging Standards 1.1
10. Misc
10.1 About Third-Party Code
10.2 Support ZenTao
10.3 ZenTao Service
10.4 Acknowledgement

About ZenTao

2015-09-09 13:16:40
Last edited by xushenjie on 2023-08-08 09:46:04
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Summary : 1. What is ZenTao for? 2. Why is it called ZenTao? 3. Design philosophy of ZenTao PMS 4. Why choose ZenTao PMS 5. Features of ZenTao PMS

1. What is ZenTao for?

ZenTao is an open source project management software, developed by EasyCorp. Its main features are product management, project management, test management, document management, bug tracking, CI management and todo management. It is a professional Application Lifecycle Management(ALM) , covering the core process of software development.

ZenTao is practical and pragmatic. It has full features and beautiful interfaces and is easy to use. ZenTao is well structured and can be flexibly extended. It also has powerful search features, various forms of statistical reports and complete API.

ZenTao, a Scrum tool.

2. Why is it called ZenTao?

Zen(禅) and Tao(道) are the two Chinese characters that have rich meanings in both religion and culture. ZenTao Project Management Software takes the cultural meaning of Zen and Tao, and is expected to convey our understanding and thinking of management. Inspired by The Tao of Programming and The Zen of Programming, it is named ZenTao.

3. The design philosophy of ZenTao ALM

ZenTao is based on Scrum, a popular Agile framework that is very pragmatic and easy to implement. It fits the fast iterative development of software projects. However, Scrum only defines the core management framework but leaves details and processes not extended/developed. Based on Scrum and the observation of the software development situations in China, ZenTao is released, integrating bug management, backlog management, test management, release management, document management, and reports, which covers the lifecycle of software development.

In ZenTao, the concepts of product, project, and test are clearly defined. The product team, the development team and the test team work together and check with each other while function differently. The three teams interact with each other through stories, tasks, and bugs, and eventually deliver the product with quality.

4. Why choose ZenTao ALM

  • ZenTao is a professional development project management software for agile teams.
  • ZenTao has precise and pragmatic management philosophy, which will accelerate agile development.
  • ZenTao has full features, so you don’t have to integrate several systems together, like mantisbt + trac + testlink.
  • Open source code and flexible extension mechanism, and is convenient to deploy and re-develop.
  • Underlying framework and frontend UI framework are developed independently; robust and stable with a beautiful interface and friendly interaction.
  • Perfect community mechanism; you can get technical support and help in time.
  • Zero input which means you have no risk for choosing ZenTao compared with other business software that could cost you ten thousands of dollars.
  • Support various deployments, either private deployment or cloud services.

5. Features

  • Product management: product, story, backlog, plan, release and roadmap
  • Project management: project, Sprint, task, build and burndown chart
  • Test management: bug, test case, test request and test result
  • CI: Jenkins integration, automation testing, ZTF
  • Document management: product document library, project document library and customized document library
  • Work management: todo management and my task/ bug/ story/ project
  • Company management: user, department, group and privileges
  • Report: various statistical reports and custom reports
  • Search feature: powerful search function helps you find the information you need
  • Extensibility: extensible in almost any parts of ZenTao
  • API mechanism: flexible for integration with other systems
Iamp Newp 2018-06-09 17:51:32 Reply
i have seen My Score option in Admin panel but not able to see in Users Dashboard. Actually what it is and uses of it..?
Renee 2018-06-10 15:34:35
Yes, you can use the Score, but you have to set is ON in Admin. Here is the instruction for you. https://www.zentao.pm/book/zentaomanual/free-scrum-tool-open-scourcezentap-points-196.html

If you have questions, feel free to send me an email at [email protected].
Kenny Tong 2017-11-02 09:39:26 Reply
Just tyring it. However, I found the searching function has problem that not allow to select / input multiple value for those Including / Between operator. Could you please check and reply. Thank you
Max 2017-11-02 10:52:24
OK. I will check it and than email you.
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