Work Mode
- 2020-11-21 17:49:47
- Renee
- 6338
- Last edited by Taotao on 2020-11-21 21:04:52
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With ZenTao 9.2.stable+, there are four work modes,
- Application Lifecycle Management
- Test management
- Story management
- Task management
The work mode is for ZenTao users to make the workflow more simple and lean. You can choose the right mode according to your work. The default setting is ALM. If you can switch to other modes, log in as Super Admin and go to Admin->Custom->Mode.
Application Lifecycle Management
If you are Scrum team and want to manage your software development from the beginning to the end, you can choose the Application Lifecycle Management mode. You will see all the features, including Product for Product Owners, Project/Sprint for Scrum Masters and Development Teams, and Test for Test Teams, on the top menu.
Test Management
The Test Management mode is for teams which only take care of the testing part. If choosen, you will see the test related features listed on the top menu and all other non-testing related features are hidden.
Story management
It is the same to the Story Management mode. If you are from the Product Team, e.g. a Product Owner, and you only want to see the product related features, such as stories, plans, and releases, you can choose this mode. In this mode, other features, such as Sprint and Test, will be hidden.
Task Management
As you can see, the Sprint will be the only one of the three main features shown on the top menu. You will have task related features, e.g. task list, Kanban, Burndown.
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